About the Book
This book consists of articles from Wikia or other free sources online. Pages: 45. Chapters: Sonic Heroes bosses, Sonic Heroes enemies, Sonic Heroes images, Sonic heroes songs, Sonic Heroes stages, Team Blasts, Bull Train, Cervix Tunnels, Chaos Inferno, Chaotix Recital, Chocola, Emblem, Flower Festival, Giant Frogs, Glowing Mushrooms, Haunted Towers, Kao, Light Speed Attack, Light Speed Dash, Palm Plants, Power Core, Robot Carnival, Rollercoaster Trolleys, Shadow Androids, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Overdrive, Spiderlight, Spiderweb Room, Super Hard Mode, Super Shield, Super Sonic Power, Team Blast, Team Sonic, Teleport Balls, This Machine, Thunder Shoot, Tornado Spin, We Can, What I'm Made of..., Egg Albatross, Egg Emperor, Egg Hawk, Neo Metal Sonic, Robot Carnival, Robot Storm, Team Battles, E-1001 Egg Pawn, E-1002 Egg Flapper, E-1003 Cameron, E-1004 Klagen, E-1006 Egg Hammer, E-1008 Falco, E-1009 Egg Bishop, E-1010 Egg Magician, E-1012 Rhino Liner, E-2000, Pumpkin-Head Ghosts, BINGO Highway, Bullet Station, Casino Park, Egg Fleet, Final Fortress, Frog Forest, Grand Metropolis, Hang Castle, Lost Jungle, Mystic Mansion, Ocean Palace, Power Plant, Rail Canyon, Robot Carnival, Robot Storm, Seaside Hill, Sea Gate, Follow Me, Sonic Heroes, Team Chaotix, This Machine, We Can, What I'm Made of..., Chaos Inferno, Chaotix Recital, Flower Festival, Sonic Overdrive, Super Sonic Power, Team Blast. Excerpt: The Bull Train is a train in the Rail Canyon and Bullet Station of Sonic Heroes. Bull Train constantly roam the tracks in these stages. Unlike Rhino Trains from the same levels, Bull Trains do not have weapons and will not actively try to hurt the players, but can cause damage if they collide. Cervix Tunnels are places which are inside the Palm Plants and has a large open hole to enter the cervix. They appear in Sonic Heroes. They can be entered if they have whatever floting thing they need in order to go inside them. For Team Chaotix, they can't enter the block...