So far every prophesy in Sue's book on the end times has come to pass
and all true believers in Yeshua as Messiah have disappeared. The
"beast" and his counterfeit trinity with the dragon and the false prophet
have passed laws in every country that no one can buy or sell anything
without his mark. Many who did not believe in the Messiah before, are
crying out to him now. Even nominal Jews and Christians have heard of
Revelation 14:9-11 which declares that anyone receiving the mark of the
beast will be tormented with fi re and brimstone forever and ever. Many
are martyred; few survive the wrath of God and at the same time the evil
persecution and death of the "beast".
After Sue disappears, her granddaughter Suzi, who did not believe
before, takes up the mantle sending e-mails home about the happenings
in Israel. She and her husband Erik have many adventures while
awaiting the return of the Messiah Yeshua.
Will you, the reader, be thrilled or filled with terror and trembling?