About the Book
The early Nevada town of Winnemucca, Nevada saw railroads, mining, saloons, cattle and family life. Family names include: Akin, Algauer, Anderson, Bannister, Barnes, Barnham, Barrett, Baud, Bayley, Bell, Berck, Berk, Binkle. Blossom, Bonnifield, Bowman, Bradley, Brashear, Buckner, Butler, Cage, Caldwell, Chambers, Charles, Chenoweth, Clapp, Clemo, Cohoon, Conard, Cook, Cornwall, Cox, Craig, Crass, Crook, Crozier, Crump, Curran, Dalryinple, Davis, DeSaussure, Delbanio, Denio, Dickinson, Diehl, Dome, Doneline, Eberly, Edwards. Ellison, English, Enos, Evarts, Ewing, Fairbank, Fellow, Fisk, Fludder, Fox, French, Garrell, Germain, Geroux, Gilbert, Gilson, Ginacca, Gintz, Girish, Grass, Grey, Groves, Guthrie, Hall, Hargis, Hamlin, Hancroft, Handke, Hanson, Harding, Hargis, Harris, Haskell, Hickard, Hilton, Hinkey, Hodgman, Hofman, Holman, Huff, Hughes, Hutchins, Jasper, Jewitt, Job, Johnson, Julian, Jurgens, Kean, Keane, Kelley, Kemler, Kemp, Kesler, Kleinhass, Krinkle, Kyle, LaGrave, Lamolle, Lee, Legren, Lennep, Leonard, Levy, Lewis, Leyson, Lindsay, Livingston, Lovich, Luff, Maley, Manning, McColly, McKenzie, Melarkey, Merritt, Miner, Monroe, Moore, Narramore, Nofsinger, O'Neal, Otey, Owens, Peck, Phillips, Pickett, Plane, Powers, Pryor, Purdin, Quick, Ragsdale, Rainford, Reeder, Reeves, Reinhart, Rice, Richard, Robins, Robinson, Rodgers, Rosco, Rosenthal, Sabine, Savan, Schaler, Sears, Seigel, Shafer, Shaw, Sheehan, Shelton, Shermer, Shep, Shepherd, Sheriff, Shone, Siegel, Simpson, Staunton, Steele, Steiner, Stevens, Stewart. Stockton, Stoddard, Stoner, Sutterley, Sweet, Tandy, Thacker, Therien, Tierney, Thompson, Trousdale, Ulrich, Unverzagt, VanDerlip, Van Lennep, Varian, Wah, Walker, Wasson, Weber, Webster, Weisenberger, Welch, Well, Westrope, Whittier, Wild, Wiley, Wiel, Williams, Wise, Wood, Wright, Yucus
Newspapers seen in this book: The Aegis and Intelligencer (Bel Air, Maryland), The Albany Register (Albany, Oregon), Arizona Citizen (Tucson, Arizona), Arizona Weekly Miner (Prescott, Arizona), The Carson Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Daily State Register (Carson City, Nevada), The Elko Independent (Elko, Nevada), Eureka Daily Sentinel (Eureka, Nevada), Gold Hill Daily News (Gold Hill, Nevada), Helena Weekly Herald (Helena, Montana), Idaho Semi-Weekly World (Boise, Idaho), The Idaho World (Idaho City, Idaho), Knoxville Daily Chronicle (Knoxville, Tennessee), Los Angeles Daily Herald (Los Angeles, California), Lyon County Times (Silver City, Nevada), The Montana Post (Virginia City, Montana), Nashville Union and American (Nashville, Tennessee), The New North-West (Deer Lodge, Montana), Oregon Republican (Dallas, Oregon), Owyhee Semi-Weekly Tidal Wave (Silver City, Idaho), The New Daily Appeal (Carson City, Nevada), The Pacific Commercial Advertiser (Honolulu, Hawaii), Pioche Daily Record (Pioche, Nevada), The Placer Herald (Auburn, California), The Portland Daily Press (Portland, Oregon), The Shasta Courier (Shasta, California), The Silver State (Unionville, Nevada), The State Rights Democrat (Albany, Oregon), The Tiffin Tribune (Tiffin, Ohio), The Weekly Arizona Miner (Prescott, Arizona) The White Pine News (Treasure City, Nevada)
Use for family history research or searching the history of the area.
Some of the articles are easier to read than others, please consider that they are 100 years old or older.