Compiled from the Las Vegas Age (Nevada), Deseret News (Utah), Deseret Evening News (Utah), Salt Lake Herald (Utah), Salt Lake Telegram (Utah), Salt Lake Tribune (Utah), Ogden Standard (Utah) & contributions from other regional papers.
Some of the names include: Abbott, Alpin, Anderson, Angell, Bain, Baldwin, Ball, Barney, Barrus, Beale, Bean, Belgen, Bishop, Black, Boggs, Bonovich, Botkin, Bowman, Bracken, Bringhurst, Brown, Bunelli, Bunker, Buol, Busteed, Butler, Cahoon, Camp, Clark, Clayson, Cluff, Colton, Connelly, Cooper, Corkhill, Covert, Cox, Crismon, Crosby, Dallin, Davis, Dunnyon, Ensign, Fallas, Farr, Faust, Foster, Frye, Fuller, Fullmer, Gallaino, Gann, Gass, Gay, Gemmill, Goodrich, Griffith, Grundy, Hale, Hall, Hardy, Harmon, Harrison, Hawkins, Hawks, Heath, Heaton, Hopkins, Horsey, Hulet, Huntsman, Ireland, Johnson, Jones, Kimball, Kremer, Kuhn, Lawson, Leavitt, Lee, Lemon, Levy, Lewis, Lillis, Lockett, Lowder, Lytle, Manti, Mason, Margetts, Marshall, Mayer, McBurney, McKenna, McWilliams, Merrill, Michalls, Miller, Mitchell, Moss, Musser, Noble, Nuckolls, Oakley, Orr, Parriott, Peart, Pender, Perkins, Ralph, Redd, Rice, Ricks, Riley, Robbins, Robertson, Robinson, Roeder, Ronnow, Rucker, Savage, Scott, Shearer, Shurtleff, Simmons, Smith, Smoot, Snyder, Sparks, Speirs, Squires, Steele, Steptoe, Stewart, Stout, Syphus, Tanner, Thomas, Thompson, Turnbow, Turner, Vance, Von Tobel, Wadsworth, Wells, White, Whitmore, Whittemore, Whitney, Wilder, Williams, Williamson, Wilson, Wiser, Wisner, Workman, Worthington, and many, many more.
Some of the articles are easier to read than others, please consider that they are 100 years or more old.