About the Book
Something (maybe a lot) is going on behind the scenes, folks, way beyond our view The Main Stream Media tells us basically nothing. MSM, likely, has been told what to report and what NOT to report. I began this 6-book fictional series back in 2012, after o got re-elected, and have watched events escalate nearly beyond belief, to where fiction is beginning to look a lot like fact. LessA fictional look at events going on in the US and world right now.New World Order Rising, Book 1 (52,200 words) (The Abduction) Carter Banks, 47, recruits his childhood friend (ex-army special ops) to help track the abductors of his daughter, Chantal, 24, and granddaughter, Dodie, 6, and gets a hair-raising short course on the true goals of the Illuminati, composed of elite politicians, CEOs, generals, et cetera, in their quest to eliminate 85% of the world's population and create a one-world government: The New World Order. (Related to the UN's Agenda 21/2030.)The daughter and granddaughter of main character, Carter Banks, are abducted by professionals hired by the Illuminati. A GPS chase leads from Fargo, ND, to a Satanist Illuminati camp in New Mexico. During the trip they see a storage area for casket-liners, a concentration camp, and witness a union striker roundup by black-uniformed police. Harley, an expert on the Illuminati, schools Carter...but Carter doesn't give a damn about politics. He just wants his children back, but will find he has to begin learning about politics...."Welcome to the New World Order."The CharactersMasters, an elite old man at the top of the Illuminati pyramid; he wants a young girl child (with certain qualities) to fulfill his very-lacking emotional life.Carter Banks, 47 (main POV character) The father who tracks the abductors of his daughter and granddaughter across the country.Chantal, 24, (Carter's daughter, some viewpoint) Mother to Dodie, both unlucky enough to have been born with black hair and blue eyes, considered by some men to be the fairest of all women.Dodie, 6 (pronounced like the female deer: doe-dee, Carter's granddaughter; some viewpoint)****(A subplot, only Book 1) Whit Malcolm, early 20's (some viewpoint) a young man suffering from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) since childhood. As an adult he lives near the edge emotionally. He's chosen by the Illuminati to be drugged, microchipped, and brainwashed, to carry out the next mass-shooting (hopefully to finally cause registration/confiscation of all guns)...and then, as the sirens approach, to commit suicide, so that law enforcement cannot question him.****Harley Maxwell, 48, best friend to Carter since childhood, ex-military special ops, provides not only transportation but is privy to much information on the Illuminati, who he nearly immediately thinks are behind the abduction.Mason (Carter's loser son-in-law)Austin Drake (on guard at a "holding compound")Beth Friday (Harley's partner while in Army Intel)
About the Author: James W. Nelson lives among goldfinches, chickadees, nuthatches, blue jays, crows, cottontails, squirrels, deer, mink, badgers, coyotes, wallflowers, spiderworts, sunflowers, goldenrod, big and little bluestem, switchgrass, needle & thread grass, June berries, chokecherries, oaks, willows, boxelders and cottonwoods, in the outback of eastern North Dakota. More: James W. Nelson was born in a little farmhouse on the prairie in eastern North Dakota in 1944. Some doctors made house calls back in those days. He remembers kerosene lamps, bathing in a large galvanized tub, and their phone number was a long ring followed by four short ones, and everybody in the neighborhood could rubberneck. (Imagine that today!) James has been telling stories most of his life. Some of his first memories happened during recess in a one-room country schoolhouse near Walcott, ND. His little friends, eyes wide, would gather round and listen to his every hastily-imagined word. It was a beginning. Fascinated by the world beginning to open, he remembers listening to the teacher read to all twelve kids in the eight grades. He was living in that same house on the land originally homesteaded by his great grandfather, when a savage tornado hit in 1955 and destroyed everything. They rebuilt and his family remained until the early nineteen-seventies when diversified farming began changing to industrial agribusiness (not necessarily a "good" thing.) He spent four years in the US Navy during the Vietnam War (USS Carbonero and USS Archerfish.) After the navy he worked many jobs and finally has settled on a few acres exactly two and one half miles straight west of the original farmstead, ironically likely the very spot where the 1955 tornado first struck, which sometimes gives him a spooky feeling.