"Great for fans of: Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now." -BookLife/Publishers Weekly
Winner of six book awards and seven honors, including the Nautilus Book Award and the National Indie Excellence Award.*
You have an untapped reservoir of awareness that you can learn to access to become wiser, achieve a state of equilibrium, and develop a clearer and stronger sense of your purpose for each day and this lifetime. A New Now: Your Guide to Mastering Wisdom Daily, Achieving Equilibrium, and Empowering Your Nobler Self is your chance to step into an omnipresent reality, a new now in which you can readily navigate your life successfully, happily, easily.
Working with this guide, you can become a new you so that situations, people, thoughts, and desires are more easily negotiated moment to moment. Here are some of the many benefits awaiting you:
- Centering and Focusing of Your Energy
- Clarity of Mind
- Choice and Enrichment of Relationships
- Enhanced Creativity and Productivity
- Enlightened Direction of Health and Healing
- Being Present
- Development of Intuition
- Happiness Each Day
- Grooming of Your Destiny
You have been given the most precious gift-your human life. Why not make best use of it? Take this opportunity to learn to travel through your days as fully conscious as possible, so that you begin to experience a new now. This is moving toward being truly alive.
*Winner of the Nautilus Book Award, the Living Now Book Award, the Indie Reader Discovery Award, the National Indie Excellence Award, the Independent Publisher Book Award, and the American Book Fest Best Book Award. Honoree of the Eric Hoffer Book Award and Finalist for the Next Generation Indie Book Awards, the Foreword Indies of the Year Award, and four more.