About the Book
The Unholy Mutilated Quran / Koran is a "Literary Disaster," according to the Author of "The New MAGNIFIED Version of the HOLY KORAN!" - which is the Reason that he spent a whole Month, or more, Magnifying it into Plain English, which almost everyone will LOVE, and especially if they are Honest Muslims and True Christians: beCause this Version makes the Sayings of MuhamMAD Perfectly Clear, which he would also Love, if he were Alive, Today: beCause he was a Lover of Probable Truths, himself - at least according to the Holy Koran, which most likely does not have so much as 4 Consecutive Sentences that are Completed and Coherent, whereby some 12-year-old Child might Understand it, and thus get something from reading it, other than a Sore Mind and a Depressed Spirit. Frankly, to be Perfectly Honest with our Readers, we have no Idea HOW anyone with a RIIT Mind could Tolerate any other Version than this Version, unless they were Consuming some Hypnotic Religious DRUGS of some Strange Kind: beCause there are upwards of 20,000 Incomplete Sentences, or "Fragments of Insanity," as the Inspired Author might say it. For Example, in the First Surah, or Chapter, Verse 3, it reads: "The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." Verse 4: "Master of the Day of Judgment." Verse 7: "The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those who are misguided." And then that Chapter is Unnaturally followed by Chapter 2, which used to be Chapter 100 and something, which contains 286 Verses, which MuhamMAD supposedly Memorized while Sleeping, in a Dream, while Sitting Up on a Rock, in the very COLD Arabian Desert, while the Angel Gabriel quoted it to him directly from Allah / God, which MuhamMAD Recited to some Friends, about 20 Years later, who also Instantly Memorized the entire Chapter; but, none of them Thought to Write it on Paper, until after MuhamMAD was long gone into the Sky, riding on a Prayer Rug, according to one Version; or, riding on a Winged Horse, according to another Version, which had 4 little Wings about a Foot Long, at the Top of his Shoulders; but, the Horse, itself, was White with a Black Tail, Black Hooves, and a Black Nose, which was Interpreted to Mean that the Horse was Perfectly Honest, while his Tale was just a Hairy Pack of Islamic Lies, riding straight into Hell on 4 Superstitious Black Hooves. Nevertheless, the Final Product of the Unholy Mutilated Koran was put Together about 1,400 Years later, by Muslim Lawyers, who were Notorious Liars and Deceivers, themselves, who Suffered with Chronic Constipation of their Minds: beCause of not Eating a Well-Balanced Diet of Fresh Juicy Fruits from the Tree of Life, you might say, which is WHY it Required no less than 40 Years for them to "Excrete" what is now known as "the Unholy Koran in Blasphemous English," for which some Zealous Muslims have even Suffered the Great Pains to Memorize it, if you can Believe it! (We find it very Difficult to Believe it; but, you are Welcome to Believe whatever you Like: beCause it will not Change the Facts by even one Degree, no matter what you Believe nor Disbelieve!) Chances are that this Version of the Koran will become the Most Loved Version of all: beCause it is Acceptable by ALL Religions of ALL Faiths, including the Superstitious ones, who are Riding on Imaginary Prayer Rugs among the Clouds of Pride and Vanity, with several Genies / Jinn in Sealed Olive Oil Bottles under their Foam Rubber Beds! ENJOY! +§+§§ (Please Click your Mouse on the "Look Inside" for more Astounding Details! Thank you.)