Network Access Control (NAC) is an approach to computer network security that attempts to unify endpoint security technology (such as antivirus, host intrusion prevention, and vulnerability assessment), user or system authentication and network security enforcement. This book is your ultimate resource for Network Access Control (NAC). Here you will find the most up-to-date information, analysis, background and everything you need to know.
In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Network Access Control (NAC) right away, covering: Network Access Control, Network security, Administrative domain, AEGIS SecureConnect, Aladdin Knowledge Systems, Alert Logic, Anomaly-based intrusion detection system, Anti-pharming, Anti-phishing software, Anti-worm, Application-level gateway, ARP spoofing, Asprox botnet, Attack (computer), Attack tree, Authentication server, Avaya Secure Network Access, Avaya VPN Router, Bagle (computer worm), Barracuda Networks, Bastion host, Black hole (networking), BLACKER, Blue Cube Security, BNC (software), Botnet, BredoLab botnet, Bro (software), Byzantine Foothold, Captive portal, Capture the flag, Check Point, Check Point Abra, Check Point VPN-1, Christmas tree packet, Cisco ASA, Cisco Global Exploiter, Cisco PIX, Cisco Secure Integrated Software, Cisco Security Agent, Cisco Systems VPN Client, Clear Channel Assessment attack, Client Puzzle Protocol, Cloudvpn, Codenomicon, Columbitech, Computer security, Context-based access control, ContraVirus, Core Impact, Core Security, Countermeasure (computer), Cryptek, Cutwail botnet, CVSS, CyberCIEGE, Dark Internet, Data breach, Deep packet inspection, Defense in depth (computing), Denial-of-service attack, Device fingerprint, DHIPDS, Differentiated security, Digital Postmarks, Digital security, Distributed firewall, DMZ (computing), DNS hijacking, Donbot botnet, Dual-homed, Egress filtering, Entrust, Evil bit, Extensible Threat Management (XTM), Extranet, Fail2ban, Fake AP, Finjan, Firewalk (computing), Firewall (computing), Firewall pinhole, Firewalls and Internet Security, Fortinet, Forward-confirmed reverse DNS, General Dynamics C4 Systems, Generalized TTL security mechanism, Global Internet Freedom Consortium, Golden Frog Inc, Greynet, Grum botnet, Guided tour puzzle protocol, Gumblar, Hole punching, Honeyd, HoneyMonkey, Honeynet Project, Honeypot (computing), Honeytoken, Host Identity Protocol, ICMP hole punching, Identity driven networking, IEC 62351, IEEE 802.1X, IF-MAP, Ingress filtering, Institute for Applied Network Security, Integrated Windows Authentication, Inter-protocol communication, Inter-protocol exploitation, Internet censorship, Internet security, Internet Storm Center, IntruShield, Network intrusion detection system, Intrusion prevention system, IP address spoofing, IP blocking, IP fragmentation attacks, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, Kerberos (protocol), Kerio Control, Key distribution center, Knowledge-based authentication, Kraken botnet, Lethic botnet, List of cyber attack threat trends, Lock-Keeper, Lorcon, Lumeta Corporation, MAC flooding, Managed security service, Managed VoIP Service, Mariposa botnet, Mega-D botnet, Messaging Security, Metasploit Project, Middlebox, Miredo, Mobile virtual private network, Monoculture (computer science), Mu Dynamics, MySecureCyberspace, NAT traversal, NeoAccel, NetBox Blue, Network Admission Control, Network Based Application Recognition, Network encryption cracking, Network intelligence, Network security policy, Network Security Toolkit, Nfront security, NIST RBAC model, NTLM, Null session, OCML...and much more
This book explains in-depth the real drivers and workings of Network Access Control (NAC). It reduces the risk of your technology, time and resources investment decisions by enabling you to compare your understanding of Network Access Control (NAC) with the objectivity of experienced professionals.