About the Book
Excerpt from Nature, Vol. 62: A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Science; May to October, 1900 Alma Giulinora, on the Structure of the Root-nodules of, T. W Woodhead, 613 Alpine Tunnels, the Great, Francis Fox, 281 Althaus (dr. Julius), Death of, 157 Amateur's Practical Garden Book, the, C. E. Hunn, L. H Bailey, 101 Amdrup Arctic Expedition, Return of, 577 America: La spedizione di sua Altezza Reale il Principe Luig. Amadeo di Savoia, Duea degli Abruzzi al Monte Sant' Elia (alaska), 1897, Dottore Filippo de Filippi, 529; the Highest Andes, E. A. Fitzgerald, Edward Whymper, 38; Bulletin of American Mathematical Society, 69, 189, 260, 381 Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 260, 519 American Journal of Mathematics, 92, 381 American Journal of Science, 92, 210, 286, 432, 568, 638 Our Native (american) Birds, D. Lange, 100; the Geography of the Region about Devil's Lake and the Dalles of the Wisconsin, Prof. R. D. Salisbury, W. W. Atwood, 172 Sette Anni di Caccia Grossa 6 Note di Viaggio in America. Asia, Africa, Europa, Count Felice Scheibler, 244 the New York Meeting of the American Association, 269 Maryland Weather Service, 292 American Institute and English Institution of Electrical Engineers at Paris, 415; Missouri Botanical Garden, Eleventh Annual Report, 495 msterdam Royal Academy, 47 Amsterdam Royal Society, 96 Analytical Chemistry, an Introduction to, G. G. Henderson, M. A. Parker, 292 Analytical Portraiture, Francis Galton, 320; Photo graphic side of Mr. F. Calton's Suggestions, 374 Anatomy Death of Prof. G. V. Ellis, 16 Erinnerungen aus meinem Leben, A. Kolliker, 169 Death of Dr. Karl Lange, 198 Death and Obituary Notice of Prof. Corrado Tommasi Crudeli, 228; Handbuch der Anatomie und Vergleichenden Anatomie des Centralnervensystems der Saugetiere, Dr. Edward F latau, Dr. L. Jacobsohn, 267; Morphological Anatomy of Vertebrates; the Air-chambers in Mammalian Skull, Dr. S. Paulli, 323; the Brain of the pond-tortoise, Dr. B. Haller, 324; an Introduction to the Study of the Comparative Anatomy of Animals, G. C. Bourne, 364' Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue of the Physiological Series of Comparative Anatomy contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 385 Genesis of the Vertebrate Column, Herbert Spencer, 620 Ancient Records of Meteor Showers, M. D. Eginitis, 203 Anderson (dr. John, F. R.s. Death of, 394 Obituary Notice 0 529 Anderson (prof. R. Crooked-keeled Breast-bone in Fowls, '59 Anderson (dr. T. D. New Variable in Auriga, 161 Andes, the Flora of the, H. H. W. Pearson, 46 Andes, the Highest, E. A. Fitzgerald, Edward Whymper, 38 Andre' Apparent Semi-diameter of Sun, 464 Andre Action of Sulphur Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulphide on Pyridine, 216 Andrews (c. A Monograph of Christmas Island (indian Ocean), Physical Features and Geology, 193 ndrews (william), the Migration of Swifts, 436 Anemometer Tests, Prof. C. F. Marvin, 280 Angr'opterrir Evecta, on the Structure of the Stem of, Miss R. F. Shove,612 Animal Cults of the Natives of Sarawak, on the, and their Bearing on the Problems of Totemism, Dr. C. Hose, W. Mcdougall, 634; Mr. Hartland, 635 Animals, an Introduction to the Study of the Comparative Anatomy of, G. C. Bourne, 364 Annalen der Physik, 92, 211, 338, 381, 568, 639 Annandale (n. On the Appearance and Habits of Some Malay Insects, 590 Ant, Red, Web-spinning habits of, E. G. Green, 253 Antarctica Magnetic Observations during Belgica Expedition, 108; Rawm'tsa Glacr'alz's, new Antarctic fish, Louis Dollo, 350; the Antarctic Regions, Dr. Karl Fricker, Dr. Hu h Robert Mill, 624 Through the First Antarctic Night, 189 99, Frederick A. Cook, Dr. Hugh Robert Mill, 624 Antelopes and their Recognition Marks, R. I. Pocock, 584 Anthills, Artificial, at Paris Exhibition, C. Janet, 490 Anthropology: the Races of Europe, a Sociological Study, William Z. Ripley, Prof. A. C. Haddon, F. R.s., 27; Death of lieut.-gen. Pitt-rivers, F. R.s., 33 Obituary Notice of.