"Natural Manhood explores how men, particularly those locked in our prisons, need a complete overhaul with new thinking and a recognition that if we do not seek the divine in all our lives, we are unlikely to resolve the issues we face in a rapidly changing world. What is needed is new thinking and a dose of ancient wisdom. This book provides both." (From the Foreword.)
Contents. vii
Dedication. ix
Foreword. xi
Introduction. 1
Part 1: Male Alienation. 7
(I) Isolation. 11
(II) Infantilism.. 37
(III) Male Sexuality & Shame. 55
(IV) Self-Hatred. 83
(V) Madness!. 125
Part 2: Free Your Mind. 171
What is Mind?. 179
Purification of Mind & Body. 191
Withdrawal 199
The Importance of Self-Nurturing. 203
Meditation for Beginners. 213
From the Problem towards a Solution. 225
Part 3: Natural Manhood. 227
(I) Mother. 235
(II) Father. 241
(III) Friendship. 249
(IV) The Male Mentor. 251
(V) Spiritual Practice. 257
- Our Higher Mother. 263
- Our Higher Father. 267
(VI) Natural Manhood. 269
Afterword. 287
Epilogue. 293
Appendix A: Self-Tests for Compulsive Behaviours. 295
Appendix B: Articles for Prisoners & Staff. 325
Appendix C: Find your Brothers!. 353
How to Start Your Own Men's Group. 373
Personal Stories: Men Share Their Experience, Strength & Hope. 383
Voices. 431
With Special Thanks to: 441
Index of Chapters. 443