About the Book
This book contains PAGE TWO of 132 Monthly Issues of Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. (Color Version) Page Two consists of the best of Dr. Bates Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments, Practices. He recorded these natural treatments that he applied to correct his patient's eyesight during 11 years of practice at his Clinic in New York City, U.S.A. Treatments for; Unclear Close and Distant Vision, Myopia, Nearsight, Farsight, Presbyopia, Astigmatism, Crossed, Wandering eyes, Cataracts, Glaucoma, Cornea Scars, Ulcers and other conditions. Done without Eyeglasses, Surgery, Drugs. Hidden by Colleges, Eye Doctors for over 100 years! Dr. Bates Books were destroyed after his death. This book was created with photo copies of the Original Antique Print Pages from Dr. Bates Magazines published in the 1900's. The entire collection of Better Eyesight Magazine in Original print, 2472+ pages and a modern text version with 500 pictures is free in printable E-Book form with this Paperback book. Also available in paperback. 20 Natural Eyesight Improvement E-Books included. Learn from the original eye doctor that discovered and taught Natural Eyesight Improvement, first by curing his own eyesight.20 E-Books Contents; Natural Eyesight (Vision) Improvement Training; +Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method-Book with 100+ Color Pictures. Less reading; Easy to learn steps-Read the short directions on the pictures to quickly learn, apply a treatment, activity for Fast Vision Improvement. (All of Dr. Bates, Clark Night's Kindle, PDF & Paperback books are in this E-Book.) + Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - (Unedited, Full Set-132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) Illustrated with 500 Pictures and additional, up to date Modern Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. + Original Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates - Photo copy of all his Original Antique Magazine Pages in the 1900's Print. (Unedited, Full Set 132 Magazine Issues - 11 Years-July, 1919 to June, 1930.) A History Book. Learn Natural Eyesight Improvement Treatments directly from the Original Eye Doctor that discovered and practiced this effective, safe, natural method! Magazines & Method Hidden from the public by eye surgeons, Optometrists, optical businesses for over 100 years because this method works and frees the patient from the need to purchase eyeglasses, drugs, unnecessary eye surgery. Yes, it can and has reversed cataracts and other eye conditions! + The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by Dr. Bates (Photo Copy of the Original Antique Book Pages) with Pictures. Dr. Bates First, Original Book. (Text version with Modern Treatments included.) 2nd Printing Title: Perfect Sight Without Glasses. + Medical Articles by Dr. Bates - with Pictures. + Stories From The Clinic by Emily C. A. Lierman/Bates. (Dr. Bates Clinic Assistant, Wife.) + Use Your Own Eyes by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. (Trained with Dr. Bates.) + Normal Sight Without Glasses by Dr. William B. MacCracken M.D. + Strengthening The Eyes by Bernarr MacFadden & Dr. Bates - with Pictures and Modern Training. (Trained with Dr. Bates. One of the First Physical Fitness Teachers.) + EFT Training Booklet - with Acupressure, Energy balance, strengthening, Positive Emotions. Easy step by step directions with Pictures. + Seeing, Reading Fine Print Clear, Clear Close Vision (Presbyopia Treatments) with Videos. + Eight Correct, Relaxed Vision Habits- (10 Steps For Clear Eyesight) A Quick Course in Natural Eyesight Improvement. + Astigmatism Removal Treatments + Eyecharts - 15 Large, Small and Fine Print Big C, E Charts for Close and Distant Vision, White and Black Letter Charts, Astigmatism Test and Removal Charts. Eyechart Videos. + Audio Lessons in Every Chapter +100 Natural Eyesight Improvement Training Videos.www.cleareyesight-batesmethod.info
About the Author: The secret for clear vision that most eye doctors hide; what is shifting? It is Eye Movement; moving 'shifting' the visual attention (Central Field) from part to part on a object to see it clear. Relax. Blink. This is the main thing that brings clear vision. Replace squinting, trying to see with shifting. Dr. Bates describes shifting in Better Eyesight Magazine; When you look at a chair; avoid trying to see all parts clear at the exact same time. Look at one part at a time. Look at, see clearest a part, then move to another part, then another...; Look at a part of the chairs back, then move to a different part on the back, then another part, then shift to a part on a leg, then shift to a arm, then the top, then side... When looking at a part; continue to shift part to part on the part. The eyes move automatically with the attention of the mind, brain; objects the brain, eyes look at and objects, subjects, thoughts in the mind using the memory, imagination. Improving the function and relaxation of the mind, body improves the clarity of eyesight. Practice this at close, middle, far distances for clear vision at all distances. Practice as a healthy habit, normal, correct eye (visual system) function. Test, practice with the eyes, vision in this way with; both eyes together, one eye at a time, both eyes together again. If vision is less clear in one eye at one or more distances; practice a bit more with the less clear vision eye to get the vision equal, perfect in the left and right eyes at all distances. Read, shift on fine print for clear close vision if needed. This is basically the whole practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Relaxation of the mind and eyes (eye muscles, body, neck follows); this is Dr. Bates main treatment. When the mind relaxes, the vision is clear. Function of the mind/brain; memory, imagination and other functions that work with the eyes also improve, increasing visual clarity. Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines, books, work has been recovered from individual owners, re-published and brought back to the public. Many Ophthalmologists, Optometrists are now learning, teaching the Bates Method and monitoring, recording their patients Natural Eyesight Improvement progress. Read Dr Bates entire biography and watch 100 free Natural Eyesight Improvement training Videos on William H. Bates Amazon.com Authors Page and YouTube; http: //www.amazon.com/William-H.-Bates/e/B004H9DOBC/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_pop_