If you are a man dealing with a narcissistic woman, this book is for you.
If you are not sure whether your wife or girlfriend is narcissistic, you will find out.
Reading this book, you will learn:
- How to spot a narcissistic woman before engaging a relationship with her.
- How to spot a narcissistic wife, then divorcing and co-parenting.
- How to protect your children from parental alienation.
- How to recognize financial abuse and recover from it.
- How to heal yourself from co-dependency and narcissistic abuse syndrome.
- How to become a narcissist repellent and dating healthy women.
It could be extremely difficult for men to recognize consciously and admit when a woman has abused them. This is how culture has raised us. They have a lack of understanding, a lack of resources, they are more shameful to admit to being abused by a woman and the mental health industry is hyper-feminized.
Acknowledging male abuse victims does not take away from female abuse victims. It is not a gender issue; it is a people issue. Women can be abused too; this is not a competition! However, female narcissists are greatly underrepresented in the healing community of narcissistic abuse.
If there were not a lot of female narcissists, there would not be so many narcissistic mothers!
Narcissistic women are highly destructive, horribly abusive, often extremely covert and can ruin another person. Furthermore, men tend to have a lack of resources. As a result, many good men decide that they are not going to be around women anymore. Narcissistic women are destructive, and men have labeled all women based on their individual experience with usually one or maybe two women in their life. Men are not supported and even the online community let them alone. Here is the main issue.
Before this book, men victims of narcissistic women have not been considered the way they deserve, and female narcissists have not been represented the way they should be.If you are an empathic man you have a harder time because of the way society is, but this book will finally help you to get rid of your toxic relationship and healing from narcissistic abuse.
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