That's why fighting with your narcissistic partner doesn't work, and what you have to do instead to take control of the relationship in 60 days...
99% of people who have a relationship with a narcissist (both man and woman) try to solve their problems by trying to impose themselves by dominating their partner, but this type of approach never works with narcissists.
To write this book we have analyzed 874 cases of narcissistic relationships in various countries of the world and with this type of very direct approach, they have not only all failed, but have worsened their relationship considerably.
In all the people who have worsened their relationship with this approach we found at least 3 of these symptoms due to narcissistic abuse:
Ruined self confidence
Doubting yourself and your sanity
Extreme weight loss or weight gain
jealousy and insecurity
Extreme paranoia
Feelings of helplessness and despair
A desire to self isolate
Overwhelming feelings of loss and grief
Bouts of rage
An inability to be comfortable with yourself
Strange dreams
Sudden inexplicable anxiety followed by rapid dips into depression
Do these symptoms sound familiar?
Fortunately for you, we have analyzed and extracted from our case studies the process that has 20% of the reports examined to get out of this bad situation and regain happiness (those who fix the relationship and those who completely break away from the narcissist).
We have therefore created a 3-step process:
1 - understand how a narcissist thinks
2 - anticipate his moves
3 - Based on the situation in which you are, we explain to you what external help you have to choose (you will never leave by yourself)
You can really start changing your life in 60 days from now ... between you and your change there are only a few dollars away: