Have you ever been insecure about your mother's love? Do you know someone who's being abused by a narcissistic parent? If so, then you're involved in narcissistic abuse.
You can get out of this abuse cycle and heal if you have the know-how. It would help if you stopped the process as fast as possible and requires learning about narcissistic abuse.
As you look into this subject, be sure to avoid the common myths associated with narcissistic abuse.This guide explains what narcissistic abuse is, how it develops, and how you can help prevent it from affecting your life or someone else.
It also tells you types of narcissists and explains what steps you should take to protect yourself or someone else from this type of family member.
This book covers:
-What's Inside The Mind Of A Narcissist
-The Types Of Narcissism-Narcissistic Strategies-Narcissists As Parents
-Narcissistic Parenting
-Narcissistic Personality Disorder
-Narcissistic Mothers And Daughters
And Much More!!!
To understand narcissistic abuse helps to know why people are abusive towards others. There are many reasons people become abusive, including a complex web of anger at themselves or their life experience.
If you think you might be in an emotionally abusive relationship with your mother, it's time to take action.
Please don't ignore your feelings; instead, listen to them.
You will be on the path to healing when you stop being concerned about whether or not SHE feels remorse or regret and start to parent yourself, providing yourself with the love, acceptance and general latitude she could not provide.
Get support if you need it without feeling embarrassed or ashamed of who you are and what you need. Remember that this is a journey, but it is entirely worth the time and effort.
You deserve happiness!
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