Have you ever wondered what went wrong with your relationship? Have you ever thought about who he really was? Has your partner made you doubt your sense of reality? Has he ever apologized to you but keep doing the same thing over and over again? Maybe, in the beginning, he was all over you, and now why this silent treatment? Has he ever talked to you only when he needed something from you? Even after all that, are you still unable to get out of the relationship?
If you are going through any one or more of these symptoms, you might be experiencing narcissistic abuse. And this book is the ANSWER for all your misery.
Being in a relationship with a narcissist is the hardest thing to tolerate emotionally. And if you're already here, you need help, and this book will rescue you from emotional predation and trickery that your abusive partner is so good at.
In this book, you will learn about the following:
- Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) And Its Types
- Childhood Roots Of Narcissism
- The Dark Triad Of Personality Traits
- What Is Childhood Emotional Abuse?
- Long-Lasting Of Effects Of Parental Narcissism On Children
- Tips To Heal From Narcissistic Childhood
- The Cycle Of Narcissistic Abuse
- How Trauma Bonding Keeps You Stuck?
- Ways To Deal With The Gaslighting Narcissist
- Narcissistic Abuse And Complex PTSD
- No-Contact Rule
- Powerful Affirmation For No-Contact
- Cord-Cutting Visualization For Healing
Even if you've never heard of "narcissism" before, this book will educate you on everything you need to know about such toxic individuals and all their manipulative tricks. The best way to defeat enemies is to know their moves before they make them. And this book will equip you with how they prey on your emotions and use you as a "supply." Whether the abusive narcissist happens to be your partner or parent, this book will teach you how to re-build your boundaries, overcome childhood shame and trauma, co-dependency and navigate life towards recovery after emotional abuse.
BUY this book NOW and start your healing journey towards the free, empowered, healthier, happier and stronger version of YOURSELF that you were always meant to be!
Scroll to the top of the page and click the "buy now" bottom!