If you are a victim of narcissism, it may not necessarily be noticeable on the outside. This implies you may look pretty or handsome on the outside, but on the inside, you have been wrecked in the cold hands of one narcissist or the other, possibly, through the hands of the someone you least expect. As a result, your entire reality now looks completely unstable and uncertain. You have been mercilessly violated, manipulated, lied to, ridiculed, looked down upon, demeaned and literally chastised into believing that you are just a piece of garbage. h. There are therefore no more rooms for narcissistic abuse again. And that is solely because the solutions to that is in Narcissism Mastery: 4 Manuscripts.
It is possible you have at some point encountered a narcissist or two in your life. Perhaps, a former lover who would never put your needs first. Even probably at the moment, you are in this reeking mud of pain to the heart as the partner is nothing but the exact definition of narcissism. This could be someone who was caring in the first place but later started showing his/her true color. Or maybe in the cooperate world, you're working with someone who just couldn't stop promoting his accomplishments long enough to do any work. If you are being honest with yourself and you fall in any of these situations, you urgently need this book - Narcissism Mastery: 4 Manuscripts, therein lies the answer to your consistently disturbing psychological problems before it gets worse.
A mother seems to by default have compassion the more for the child or children if compared to the father. This book however targets narcissistic mothers who are directly the otherwise of being compassionate. A narcissistic mother can be someone who lives through, is possessive of, and/or engages in marginalizing competition with the child or children. The narcissistic mother perceives the independence of a child (including adult children) as a threat and coerces the child to exist in the parent's shadow, with unreasonable expectations. In a narcissistic parenting relationship, the child is rarely loved just for being herself or himself. Thus, if you are a child as such, who is emotionally extorted by the so-called mother, this book titled Narcissism Mastery: 4 Manuscripts will be of help as a guide concerning. The book contains tips on how to live a good life with such a mother and even how to help the mother be your dreamed mother and lots more.
Narcissists are no way in touch with their feelings. They project those feelings on to others and are not capable of sympathy. And when these narcissistic people are your parents, they don't project the sort of love you need as you are growing up under their wings as a child. You are ready to be completely free right? This book titled Narcissism Mastery: 4 Manuscripts is your sure bet as it will educate you on how to protect your psyche and your natural existence from being abused by their narcissistic mothering and fathering parenting techniques deteriorating your individuality as a person who has rights. In the book, you can get to know who narcissistic parents are, how to live with them and yet not abused and lots more.
"There's more to everything than meets the eye" says the adage. Buying it and digesting will sure yield the positive outcome than expected.
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