Ophiolatry or serpent - worship (most commonly referred to an India as Naga cult) seems to have been one of the oldest and most widespread form of religion the world has ever known. The cult assumed a special significance and importance for India as in no other part of the world was it more widely distributed or developed in more varied and interesting forms. About the Author
Dr. R.K. Sharma (b. 1932), Professor and Head of the Department of Ancient Indian History, Culture and Archaeology and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Jabalpur (M.P.), retired in 1992. His contribution to the cause of Indian archaeology in general and archaeology of Madhya Pradesh in particular is widely acclaimed.
His prestigious publications include: Madhya Pradesh evam Chhattisgarh ke Puratattva ka Sandarbh Granth (Bhopal, 1974, 2010); The Temple of Chausatha Yogini at Bheraghat (Delhi, 1978); Art of the Paramaras of Malwa (ed.) (Delhi, 1979); The Kalachuris and their Times (Delhi, 1980); Archaeology of Bhopal Region (Delhi, 1980); Indian Archaeology New Perspectives (ed.) (Delhi, 1982); Vajapeya Essays on Evolution of Indian Art and Culture Prof. K.D. Bajpai Felicitation Volume (ed.), Vols. 1-2, (Delhi, 1987); Studies in Shell Script (ed.) (Delhi, 1990); Art of the Kalachuris (ed.) (Bhopal, 1991); Excavations at Kakrehta (Delhi, 1992); K¾¦na Smriti Prof. K.D. Bajpai Comm. Vol. (ed.) (Delhi, 1995); Prehistoric Art in India Prof. S.K. Pandey Fel. Vol. (ed.) (Delhi, 1996); Kalachuri: Rajvansh Aur Unka Yug (ed.), Vols. 1-2, (Delhi, 1998); Encyclopaedia of Art Archaeology and Literature in Central India, Vols. 1-2 (Delhi, 1998); Jaina Philosophy, Art and Science in Indian Culture (ed.), Vols. 1-2, (Delhi, 2002); Tribal History of Central India, Vols. 1-3 (Delhi, 2002); Agnihotra-Studies in Indic Traditions (ed.) (Delhi, 2003); Archaeological Excavations in Central India (Delhi, 2003); Revealing India s Past Prof. A.M. Shastri Comm. Vol. (ed.), Vols. 1-2 (Delhi, 2005); Nagas The Tribe and the Cult (Delhi, 2006); History, Archaeology and Culture of the Narmada Valley (ed.) (Delhi, 2007) and Coinage of Central India (Delhi, 2011). Several of his other publications are in process.