Step into a richly woven tapestry of ancient wisdom with this masterful exploration of the Odu Ifá, a crucial component of Yoruba, Cuban Santeria, and Brazilian Candomblé traditions. "Odu Ifá Series: Ogbe Obara" is the highly anticipated installment in a groundbreaking series of 256 volumes - an unrivaled collection of myths, prophecies, and insights from the sacred Ifá tradition.
Written by an experienced Babalorishá and Babalawo of Candomblé, this work delves into the intricate narratives and potent wisdom of the Odu Ogbe Obara, illuminating its profound significance in the spiritual and practical lives of the faithful.
Explore the unique stories of the sons and daughters of Ogbe Obara, their prayers, songs, and proverbs. Discover the births, illnesses, and forbidden taboos that emerge from this Odu. Navigate the interconnected web of related Orishas and herbs, delve into ritual recommendations, and witness the powerful influence of this Odu in naming conventions.
Packed with 47 richly detailed myths and revelations, this work lays bare the universal themes of sacrifice, prosperity, wisdom, and divine intervention, each story a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of the human spirit. From the prosperous journey of Obatalá to the dramatic rise and fall of the city's mayor, each tale resonates with timeless wisdom and profound guidance.
Whether you're an initiated follower, a curious seeker, or an academic, "Odu Ifá Series: Ogbe Obara" offers a vibrant journey into the heart of these enduring traditions. Expect a comprehensive exploration that affirms the continued relevance of these ancient narratives in the modern world.
Don't miss this chance to experience the rich culture, wisdom, and spirituality of the Ifá tradition in this riveting, immersive volume. Embark on an extraordinary journey with this timeless work, illuminating the ancient pathways of wisdom for the contemporary world.