About the Book
CONTENTS. PART I.-MYTHS. Introduction, FIRST DYNASTY. Origin of the World- Uranus and Gæa (Coelus and Terra), SECOND DYNASTY. Cronus (Saturn), Rhea (Ops), Division of the World, Theories as to the Origin of Man, THIRD DYNASTY. OLYMPIAN DIVINITIES- Zeus (Jupiter), Hera (Juno), Pallas-Athene (Minerva), Themis, Hestia (Vesta), Demeter (Ceres), Aphrodite (Venus), Helios (Sol), Eos (Aurora), Phoebus-Apollo, Hecate, Selene (Luna), Artemis (Diana), Hephæstus (Vulcan), Poseidon (Neptune), SEA DIVINITIES- Oceanus, Nereus, Proteus, Triton and the Tritons, Glaucus, Thetis, Thaumas, Phorcys, and Ceto, Leucothea, The Sirens, Ares (Mars), Nike (Victoria), Hermes (Mercury), Dionysus (Bacchus or Liber), Aïdes (Pluto), Plutus, MINOR DIVINITIES- The Harpies, Erinyes, Eumenides (Furiæ, Diræ), Moiræ or Fates (Parcæ), Nemesis, Night and Her Children- Nyx (Nox), Thanatos (Mors), Hypnus (Somnus), Morpheus, The Gorgons, Grææ, Sphinx, Tyche (Fortuna) and Ananke (Necessitas), Ker, Ate, Momus, Eros (Cupid, Amor) and Psyche, Hymen, Iris, Hebe (Juventas), Ganymedes, The Muses, Pegasus, The Hesperides, Charites or Graces, Horæ (Seasons), The Nymphs, The Winds, Pan (Faunus), The Satyrs, Priapus, Asclepias (Æsculapius), ROMAN DIVINITIES- Janus, Flora, Robigus, Pomona, Vertumnus, Pales, Picus, Picumnus and Pilumnus, Silvanus, Terminus, Consus, Libitina, Laverna, Comus, Camenæ, Genii, Manes, Penates, PUBLIC WORSHIP OF THE ANCIENT GREEKS AND ROMANS- Temples, Statues, Altars, Priests, Sacrifices, Oracles, Soothsayers, Augurs, Festivals, GREEK FESTIVALS- Eleusinian Mysteries, Thesmophoria, Dionysia, Panathenæa, Daphnephoria, ROMAN FESTIVALS- Saturnalia, Cerealia, Vestalia, PART II.-LEGENDS. Cadmus, Perseus, Ion, Dædalus and Icarus, The Argonauts, Pelops, Heracles, Bellerophon, Theseus, The Seven against Thebes, The Epigoni, Alcmæon and the Necklace, The Heraclidæ, The Siege of Troy, Return of the Greeks from Troy,