My Life as a Mule is a contemporary story of Molly, a successful mathematician and mule, who awakens to the realization that everything has always happened for her and that she only ever needs to follow her heart.
The story is set in Everywhere, United States, and all of the characters are animals.
My Life as a Mule is told in four sections. First is an interview which explains what a mule is and why Molly is being interview. The following three parts--Wet Behind the Ears, Still Slightly Damp, and Almost Dry--are short stories from Molly's life and path to awakening.
At the end of the story, Molly realizes that she "simply came here to love." She decides to buy a van and travel. She has a lot of souls to meet and remind that they're loved and perfect as they are.
My Life as a Mule can relate to many genres such as: adventure, comedy, fable, family, fantasy, folktale, memoir, and young adult (or YA).
It can also fall under the following categories: coming of age, happy ending, meaningful message, philosophical questions, and a twist (all the characters are animals).
My Life as a Mule has been enjoyed by readers ranging from 9 years old to 92.
Molly, a Mule Mare, is the protagonist. At various times she can be described as: adventurous, aspiring, a badass, beautiful, blunt, charming, clumsy, complex, confident, decisive, educated, empathetic, engaging, faithful, flexible, funny, gracious, heroic, honorable, a leader, a lone wolf, modest, outspoken, skill-full, tenacious, unapologetic, and visionary.
Her best friend is Harriet, an Appaloosa Hinnie Mare, who at times can be described as: also adventurous, aspiring, a badass, beautiful, blunt, charming, complex, confident, decisive, empathetic, engaging, faithful, funny, gracious, heroic, honorable, outspoken, and unapologetic. Unlike Molly, she is not clumsy, a lone wolf, or modest.
Their nemesis is Billy, a Billy Goat. At times he is: aggressive, greedy, manipulative, sarcastic, and villainous.
Betsy, an adorable Bunny Rabbit, is a life-long friend to Molly. Her main characteristics are: beauty, charm, empathy, faithfulness, graciousness, and honor.
There are many more interesting characters such as Miss Granger (an elementary school teacher who is an over 500-pound Pig), Molly's grandmother (a mean-spirited Jennet or female Donkey), and Mr. Tafferty (a very well-educated Toad and high school Shakespearean studies teacher). The other characters look forward to meeting you when you read the book.;-)
About the Author: Sj is a free spirit who has a loving heart for all beings. She happily calls wherever she is home. This is her first book though there are piles and piles of books that she's written which others simply call Journals. A lover of language and travel, Sj expects many more books to arise out of the mist in her mind. "I'll keep showing up," she recently told a friend. "I'll just keep showing up and see what comes." Stay up-to-date with Sj through her blog and website: