My Holy Hour Devotional Journals Make Great Spiritual Companions St. Thomas Aquinas is a great saint and theologian held in high regard by many. For him, "The Eucharist is the consummation of the whole spiritual life." It is he who said, "O how unspeakable is this Sacrament which sets our affections ablaze with charity. ... It is the fulfillment of Christ's Mystical Body." How about you? Have you spent some time in adoration lately? A Holy Hour Journal can help make that sacred time well-spent whether it is before the Blessed Sacrament or in private devotion at home.
Are you at peace or is life out of control? Are you overwhelmed with the onslaught of daily life? Do you yearn for peace but feel it's impossible to find? A Holy Hour is the perfect answer and a Holy Hour journal is the perfect companion.
Holy Hours help you grow spiritually and deepen your relationship with God. You'll find you're able to focus more on God, adore Jesus, and open up to the Holy Spirit.
Holy Hour devotional journals are great companions during times of prayer and meditation. Today many Christians strive for a daily holy hour, while a growing number of Catholics follow in the footsteps of Bishop Fulton Sheen and practice adoration in front of the blessed sacrament. My Holy Hour journals, with their blank lined pages, offer an opportunity to capture those moments of inspiration that happen during Eucharistic and private prayers and meditations, as well as during bible study, worship times, and mass.
This devotional prayer journal contains 110 blank lined pages and the following sections:
Why Keep a Holy Hour How to Keep a Holy Hour Holy Hour Pages Holy Hour Quotes Record Your Favorite Quotes Personal Index Pages My Holy Hour journals are designed to help Catholics and other Christians from all walks of life discover, explore, and enjoy the many rewards formed by a deeper connection to Christ. Scroll up and buy your copy of My Holy Hour - St. Thomas Aquinas. now!
About the Author:
My Holy Hour Devotional Journals by Holy Hour Books is a journal series created to help Catholics and other Christians from all walks of life discover, explore, and enjoy the many rewards that come from a deeper, more prayerful connection to Christ.
Vikk Simmons has been a writer and a certified journal instructor for many years. Journals and diaries have been her friends for most of her life, and she's gained many spiritual benefits from their use.