The work, My Holy Bible Extracts of 1,401 Powerful Verses, started on January 2, 2004, when I commenced an intensive and in-depth daily reading of the Holy Bible. It covered all the 39 books of the Old Testament and the 27 books of the New Testament. This Second Edition comprises of 886 powerful verses from the Old Testament and 515 powerful verses from the New Testament. The breakdown is shown below:
Genesis: 57 versesIsaiah: 80 versesRomans: 38 verses
Exodus: 40 versesJeremiah: 39 verses1 Corinthians: 16 verses
Leviticus: 27 versesLamentations: 8 verses2 Corinthians: 11 verses
Numbers: 19 versesEzekiel: 24 versesGalatians: 10 verses
Deuteronomy: 36 versesDaniel: 15 versesEphesians: 16 verses
Joshua: 15 versesHosea: 7 versesPhilippians: 11 verses
Judges: 22 versesJoel: 5 versesColossians: 11 verses
Ruth: 4 versesAmos: 5 verses1 Thessalonians: 10 verses
1 Samuel: 21 versesObadiah: 2 verses2 Thessalonians: 8 verses
2 Samuel: 12 versesJonah: 5 verses1 Timothy: 15 verses
1 Kings: 34 versesMicah: 8 verses2 Timothy: 9 verses
2 Kings: 23 versesNahum: 5 versesTitus: 5 verses
1 Chronicles: 14 versesHabakkuk: 5 versesPhilemon: 1 verse
2 Chronicles: 17 versesZephaniah: 5 versesHebrews: 25 verses
Ezra: 7 versesHaggai: 3 versesJames: 17 verses
Nehemiah: 10 versesZechariah: 14 verses1 Peter: 17 verses
Esther: 14 versesMalachi: 7 verses2 Peter: 9 verses
Job: 31 versesMatthew: 78 verses1 John: 17 verses
Psalms: 151 versesMark: 27 verses2 John: 2 verses
Proverbs: 67 versesLuke: 51 verses3 John: 1 verse
Ecclesiastes: 22 versesJohn: 43 versesJude: 7 verses
Song of Solomon: 6 versesActs: 39 versesRevelation: 22 verses
Each of the 1,401 powerful verses has either a question that pricks the conscience of the reader, excites him or her, and provokes in the reader the urge to review one's relationship with God. Interacting with some of the posers contained in this work will definitely lead to a sober reflection of the reader, as well as strengthen one's abiding faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. In addition to the questions, there are some explanations on some of the deep sayings of the Holy Book which most readers tend to misconstrue. Above all, this work will induce readers, particularly Christians, to take ownership in godly pursuits and to domesticate their relationship with God as against the lukewarm attitude of most Christians who treat God as an abstract being. This work is about the desire to draw near the God in us and to personalize our relationship with him. The work concludes with an afterword, which is candid advice from the heart of the author to all readers.