This book is my personalized and reflective approach to the greatest ancient writings, the Holy Scriptures, later compiled into canonical books, the Bible. My purpose in this book is best expressed by what Paul wrote: "All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16)
However, the ultimate goal of a spiritual life is to seek, receive, and appreciate the gift of salvation from God to us and to do what is pleasing to Him as we live our faith-hope-love lives. This book is not a substitute for the Bible, bible dictionaries, concordances, or commentaries, but it is an unconventional handy reference for the believers, followers, teachers, authors, listeners, and doers of the living and active Word of God.
The Bible for me is like a giant jigsaw puzzle of thousands of pieces of words, pictures, images, symbols, thoughts, visions, imaginations, interpretations, meanings, actions, movements, events and happenings. They are in your face. The challenge of this book is to simplify its complexities-patiently and painstakingly connecting the dots, integrating fragmentations, realigning related thoughts, and searching for the meanings of life "rooted and grounded in [God's] love." (Ephesians 3:17)
Without going through the details, I followed these processes: asking God questions by reflecting, and debating within myself for answers, anticipating questions that readers might ask, and answering them not by my words but mostly by God's words. I've employed the use of underlining for emphasis and readability and bracketed information, clarifications, comments and lessons to learn. Appended at the very end of the book are some of my favorite collections of icebreakers, which I used to introduce my given talks.