Suffering from a nervous breakdown, infected with a chronic disease and afflicted with the torments of demons, I looked for answers.
Over a period of eight years, I met with over thirty doctors, pastors, priests, exorcists, psychologists, faith healers, deliverance ministries and counselors searching for help, but to no avail. Exhausted, I asked God to end my life. My petition was not granted.
Finally, I was led to the right people at the right time. I learned that things like self-rejection, pain, unforgiveness, generational sin, willful rebellion, the power of words and self-delusions rooted in pride had kept me from a fuller communion with God. I learned about the transformative power and restoration of true confession.
In the end, I was healed of the chronic disease, the nervous breakdown, and the demons that had resided inside me for so long were exorcised. The God of Abraham and the compassion of Jesus Christ granted me freedom from my miseries and a new found peace.
This is the story of what led up to, the struggles during, and how I was ultimately delivered from my eight-year Dark Night of the Soul. But more than that, it is a story about the perfect nature of God. I pray my journey will give hope to those who are living in their own misery not knowing where to go for inner healing, and insight to those who work with the afflicted.
Keywords: Demons, Exorcism, Deliverance, Healed, God, Jesus, Miracle, Memoir, Testimony, Forgiveness