My Cosmic Brain is all about how my brain ended up in an aquarium for scientific study and how I was able to recognize a section of Space, rapidly approaching, that is now known as the 2nd Big Bang!
At the moment, all the information regarding the 2nd Big Bang and how it will impact us in the very near future is all snugly tucked away inside of My Cosmic Brain - almost exclusively. The most important achievment of this century will be to use all of the forces of Nature to transfer this information into your cosmic brains, but in such a timely manner, that you will be able to help save our planet from utter and total destruction.
If you read or listen (in the Audible Book) to 'My Cosmic Brain' you will learn about how the world as we know it is rapidly drawing to an end - No Joke! But not because of the the latest predictions about Global Warming and World War Three. It's becoming knwon to me rapidly from inside the Think Tank that the entire shape of the universe is changing in a way that is copied by the tiniest of things, the code of our existence, our DNA molecule and the shape that the universe will assume after the 2nd Big Bang arrives will not only blow your mind, it will allow the human race to survie under a completely new set of rules.
Prepare for the wildest awakening of your life!
My Cosmic Brain is a Science Fiction Novel where in the very near future, our hero discovers the 2nd Big Bang after they remove his brain and place it inside an aquarium for further scientific study. In this state of Consciousness - the highest form ever recorded, he is able to 'see' without his eyes and instead sense a world beyond your wildest dreams.
When the 2nd Big Bang hits in a few years, it will change everything because it is also tied to our DNA molecule and is the primordial biological template for all life in the universe. Are things going to change around here when it hits? I'd say so - If you don't get the Biggest Bang of your life from this new classic Science Fiction thriller, your cosmic brain may be on the fritz. This could be the best test of your cranial and cerebral capacity.
My Cosmic Brain is your basic Science Fiction novel with a major surprise ending. Soon to be a major motion picture. Also about the 2nd Big Bang that has been missing since the beginning of time. It's now time to unleash it on the universe and it is coming. This book shares not only the how and why of this most spectacular event in history, but also why it's happening now. Should win the author the Nobel Prize in Literature and Physics? You be the judge of that. 1st Time in history, this has happened.
My Cosmic Brain is all about how I figured out that there is a 2nd Big Bang and how I know it's on the way. You can only get the information into your own Cosmic Brain by grabbing hold of this book and reading the Hell out of it!
At the moment, I have all the information regarding the 2nd Big Bang almost exclusively inside of My Cosmic Brain. Until we get it freed up and into YOUR Cosmic Brain, all may be lost for the Human Race.