About the Book
https: //www.amazon.com/author/clarissasavazzi Zen Psychology, vol. 2 Pathological addiction existence motive inside the Destiny Law epistemologica border by the yoga-tantra pragmatics gnosiology, structuring a six need multi-dimensional model entailing two dimensions each one; suicide existence motive; in such border the potential psyche and Holy Spirit mapping for jointing the psychopathology and normality psychological gathers, as well transcendental function modes realizing pathological addiction treatment. This book is right for who wanna know the truth, beauty inside the romantic, natural, spiritual, cosmic order of life. For reading my books a previous specific knowledge is not required, my aim is to make phenomena order understandable to anyone. This is my passion, my vocation, my style, my life. No one wrote it before. dependence, drug-addiction, suicide, god complex, border, relation, relational obligation, semiotic, community, family, psychologist, therapy, praxis, evolution, symbolical dimension, metaphor, practice, information, the young, society, archetype, facultas praeformandi, mana, buddha, samatā-jñāna, vacuum, ethics, moral, transformation, tantra, epistemological frame, sensus naturae, bodai shin, shinge, shin-jin, folly, courage, potential psyche, trust, reentry, perception, pathologies, normality, dream, reality, aesthetics, individual, experience, function, transcendental function, nature, rule, nature rule, heart, self, not-self, error, kārma, enlightenment, individuation, happiness, acceptance, semantization, system, integration, autonomous complex, suffering, not-suffering, judgement, substance assumption, food disorders, dysfunctional relation, psychic permeability, limit, defense, value, process, need, necessity, other, defilement, decontamination, attachment, existence, motive, human being, analysis, theory