You are not alone. I believe in you, and my open mind and whole heart are there for you.
This book is a motivational book, and it is both scientific and spiritual. It contains my perception and interpretations of the law of attraction, spiritual thought, as well as major scientific studies from my research and the experiences I went through these last few years.
This book is not about putting anyone down, but about building people up. It's about standing up for those who are ignored and secretly shunned. I and many others care unconditionally with every energy of our being. This book shares the spiritual belief systems we follow.
This book also contains scientific knowledge of thought and research. These studies promote the life that you have been hoping and praying for. I believe in your happiness and the feelings you have for your ultimate dream life.
This book is about doing good to all, no matter what is done to us. It's about coming together as a people, and as all beings should, and to be aware of the idea of what I feel is a good way if not one of the best ways to do so.
Again, it's a book that motivates and shares information that others either fear to share or choose not to. I felt I needed to share this information to help those that may not know they need this insight. Those who go unheard or are concerned or scared can lift up their spirits and know I believe in them and their needs and feelings of good even if others choose not to.
This book brings up paranormal and conspiracy concepts and secret workings that might be due to experiences that I and others went through.
This book is mostly for inspiration along with some information that is based on finding solutions to handle weird and strange experiences. What I found out personally was amazingly interesting, yet for some, it may come off as scary and fearsome. Do not fear. Do not be afraid. Be brave. Raise your hopes up in everything you love and enjoy in every moment of your whole being of life.