About the Book
A twenty-four year old boy went on a search for meaning in life and found way more than what he could have asked for. This book takes you inside the mind of the young fellow who might have found the answers to the most profound questions asked worldwide. Understand God, understand existence, understand yourself, both scientifically and spiritually. Explore a view of the world without any biases and dogmas. Get an answer to every possible question such as: which are the real Gods and how to find a God? Who are we in physical terms? What makes us think? Why do we do the things that we do? What makes us connect with people? How is our thought process? How do we form false ideas? What is reality? What is beyond death? Where is God? How to find God scientifically? How to build the best society? How to fill the generational gap? How to grow aware of our surroundings? How to grow aware of Gods? How to reach Gods? Which religion is real? Which religion is fake? Which religion is nonsense? Which religion is the most accurate? And so on.
By the time you finish reading the book you would have developed a different view of the world, you would have completed a journey of a thousand thousand years in one sitting. You are suggested to have the knowledge of the following topics before picking up the book:
Consciousness, life and death, living and non-living things, atoms, molecules, all the fundamental particles, AI, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, emotions, laws and forces of nature, social science, the big bang, patterns, the human brain, spiritual awakening, spirituality, rebirthing in different religions, Hell and Heaven, quantum mechanics, quantum computers, time, general relativity, time travel, dark matter, dark energy, what is good, what is evil, what it means to be a prophet, what the string theory is, what forms a society, formation of galaxies and solar systems, what visual perception is, the theory of everything, discrimination, leadership, leaders, tyrants, democracy, materialism, money, inferiority complex, inner peace, modern lifestyle, human relationships, ways to control our emotions, reasonable responses, unreasonable responses, difference between smart and dumb, meditation, Rishis, Yogis, evolution, formation of life, brainless organisms, organisms with brains, nature of nature, nature of existence, purpose of human beings, free will, our perception of each other, our perception of the world, our core tendencies, birth of a life, reproduction and reproductive system, raising up a baby, formation of emotions, parenthood, how we learn, DNA, RNA, diminishing marginal utility, age, phases of life, socialization, mental health, adolescence, good society, bad society, good people, bad people, ways to build a free society, decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, DAO, a stress-free life, various ways to sustainable development, human nature, human behavior, the universe.