About the Book
Meat! Meat! Meat! Glorious meat! Do you want to know more about meat? Do you want to regale your friends with cocktail poetry? Have you been itching to make fun of English language idioms? What is happening in the field of New Century Dada? Would you like to see horribly illustrated excerpts from such classic works as "Finnegans Wake" and "Dante's Inferno?" Are you happy, sad, scared, mad, nauseous, and constipated? Who is out and about? What would you like to ask Dr. Mug? Do you know that Egyptians believed that many meat animals were sacred, such as the beagle, spinnow, cheetah, guinea foul, flinch, catshark, hummingturd, snow leotard, porkster, dolphine, piss-ant, komodo dragoon, arctic fox, dolt, britten, hammerhead shark, whale, mosquito, partridge, elephant, raccoon, spunk, gape, primate, mockingbird, gila monster, wallaby, parrotfish, cantelope, steal, shrewd, koi, aardwolf, hedgehog, blue whale, doedoe, dingo, emu, xerinae, river hypno, crocodill, sparrow, thrush, lobster, fowl, rattlesnake, porcupine, cat, african buffalo, chinchilla, muskox, squid, rabbit, cuckoo, kite, african elephant, hug, crayfish, aargvark, porcupinecone, termite, lemming, orca, prairie dog, beaver, iguana, orangutan, sturgeon, pheasant, guppy, pony, jaguar, planarian, arctic wolf, sheep, tiger shark, sweasel, kangaloo, hedgedog, gamefowl, harle, hartebeest, grouse, hippopotamus, chameleope, oldt, woodpecker, mandriller, arabian leopard, bovid, reptile, tiglon, chameleon, gazellp, rodent, water boa, tarsier, spider, wildcat, swallow, oceloaf, constrictor, ground sloth, walrust, wolverine, stink, black panther, hot spigot, gibbon, swift, rook, koalap, cattle, martenizer, bug, quail, wildebeest, crougar, tyrannosaurus, mynah turd, bandicoot, schleep, bat, falcon, rainbow trout, panther, louse, armadillon, waterbuck, scorpion, blamb, marmoset, kangaroo mouse, urial, bobolink, quagga, allimator, cardinal, badger, irukandji jellyfish, frog, aoudad, poorpuss, vicuna, lion, mousse, basilisk, preptile, spanda, fly, smelt, kangaroo, junglefowl, tahr, cricket, mule, belk, parakeet, kangaroo rat, ermine, orangutango, red panda, giant squid, pig, goot, lovetird, rufus hog, hippopotamust, crab, tern, boar (wild pig), box jellyfish, crocodile, platypus, scale insect, trout, beetle, lynx, skink, platypuss, alpaca, kinkajou, amphibian, possum, dung beetle, sledgehog, puffin, gnewt, octopus, ocelot, mold, beaked whale, sloth, pinniped, koala, skunk, albatross, mountain gloat, tree frog, locust, piranha, llama, snake, crabbit, great white shark, tapir, zebra, newt, schmuckbill, peregrine falcon, sea slug, pilot whale, frag, centipede, fox, coral, cougar, quokka, reindeer, monkey, marsupial, cony, praying mantis, starfish, tortoise, sea lion, hermit crab, aardvark, gemsbok, asswipe, ferret, shyena, haddock, dragon, tiger, new world quail, dugong, gooser, capybara, angelfish, condor, chickadee, loon, cheeter, english pointer, bird, crawdad, raindeep, clownfish, barracuda, prongthorn, kiwi, beer, hare, whitefish, mackerel, puma, paracreep, moosetang, gorilla, yak, silver pox, opossum, lungfish, bison, steelhead trout, african leopard, mink, vampire squid, tasmanian devil, halibut, gerbil, shrimp, buzzard, walrus, guinea pig, land snail, galliform, Herman whale, toad, rhinoceroast, and dragonbite? If you like your books sophomoric with a high picture-to-text ratio (if you know what we mean), then get this miscellaneous meaty mishmash of cocktails, photo mash-ups, silly factoids, rude jokes, and emotion-laden drinking. In spite of threats from schools of blowfish and hoards of bar flies, Mug and Mali announced this putrid mélange. Readers will find the miscellany startling and the cocktails addicting - and vice-versa. "Mug & Mali's Big Book of Meat" is uncouth, yet irreverent, over-shadowing such lesser works as, "How To Lose at Bingo - Every Time!" and "Do Trousers Matter?" It's another piece of work that will keep you up nights reading and drinking. Enjoy!