Do you feel like you've been passed up for a promotion, skipped for recognition or simply ignored in your job search in the past year? Perhaps you've been experiencing an invisible sensation as you attempt to strive ahead on your career journey or job search.
When you feel unfilled in your career, it can lead to an overall sensation of disengagement in your life.
Similar to when the infamous "Check-Engine" light comes on in your car, your "Check-Career" light is illuminating, and you need to take action. The light is on to warn you of the VUCA in the job market - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Move Your Æ (ash) guides you through the minefields of the job market to get your career, and your life back on track.
Paul Carney, Move Your Æ's author, has served in various roles and developed expertise in the job market with over three decades in human resources in-depth exploration, learning and coaching people in situations just like yours. Carney has harnessed his skillset to bring you real, honest advice in his unique approach to find your dream job and contribution to the world.
Move Your Æ is right for you if:
- You feel a college degree and specific skill sets are not serving you fully
- You are applying to jobs with radio silence
- You're feeling frustrated without recognition for your contributions at your job
- You've had enough of watching coworkers move up the ladder or follow a path you desire, and feel your qualified for
Carney says, while you were busy being busy, the career value of your education, skills, talents, experiences and credentials has changed. It is a new game for job seekers and promotion-hopeful employees, and this book will help you navigate it.
In the book, you will learn the exact formulas many hiring firms use to calculate your value in the job marketplace. New technologies, process improvements and a globally-connected workforce will leave you anonymously unemployed if you do not learn the new system.
The Solution?
It is time to speak the same language as many hiring companies, managers and human resources professionals so you can master your future.
First, Take Control of Your Career!
Whether you are just starting your career or have years of experience, Carney will show you how to unlock the power of your Æ (ash) to derive maximum benefit from your career value.
The Æ brings together the three requirements to take control of your career: You must know, grow, and show your career value. Often, individuals feel intimidated to show and promote their own value to their leaders and potential employers. This book will provide you with confidence and data that will make conversations regarding your future much easier.
You will learn the following key characteristics to improve your current employment situation:
- You will learn how to Define Your Career Value
- Next, you'll learn how to Grow Your Career Value
- Finally, when it comes time to talk to your boss, or hiring manager, you'll know how to Promote Your Career Value
By following the easy steps laid out in this book, you will be able to better identify your full career value, then promote it when you are looking for a new job, asking for a raise or positioning yourself for a promotion. We show you how to not only put together the story of what you did to drive business results, but we explain how to get others to tell the story for you. It is more credible when other people tell your story for you.
Don't wait for your boss, your company or your government to manage your career, start now by reading Move Your Æ today.
Take responsibility to continuously improve and your career will go farther than you can imagine!
About the Author: As Paul sits with his wife, Lisa, along the beautiful Emerald Coast of Florida, he has a career to be proud of. Yet, he can't quite rest until he fulfills his mission: helping talented employees and individuals find their dream job. Namely, you, the reader, who knows their skills and talents are destined for more!
Paul Carney's life's work has been dedicated to supporting hundreds of individuals find fulfillment in their career journey. In various Human Resources and Leadership roles, he has coached many to success in their careers for more than three decades. His diverse career allowed him to build not only information technology solutions but successful companies, making him the perfect candidate to teach you how to find your dream job.
Paul developed a deep understanding of the challenges facing companies as they look for talented employees and for workers as they attempt to gain the attention of the company recruiters. After hearing so many disappointing stories on both sides, Paul stepped into action and compiled the information to produce his first book, Move Your Æ (ash). That book and the accompanying web site,, are now the definitive source of how you can Know, Grow, and Show your Career Value for the greatest benefit.
When not writing, Paul is an accomplished speaker and facilitator. He speaks at conferences and has been the emcee for the ITEN Wired technology conference since 2012. He also conducts unique workshops to help employees understand how to document and measure their value, then promote it. Paul finds joy working with leaders of organizations to show them how to develop the full value of their teams for the highest return on their Human Capital investment. The value equation works best when both parties understand the benefits each receives, and Paul is not satisfied until they understand how to apply these concepts for maximum business results.
In his latest project, Move Your Æ, Paul hopes to combine all of his experience to help readers show their value and find their joy.