The Antioxidant You've Probably Never Heard Of
A deficiency in this one nutrient is known to contribute to cancer, heart attack, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, liver disease, and chronic fatigue, among other conditions. On the other hand, adequate amounts reduce inflammation, improve sleep, improve recovery from exercise, improve heavy metal detoxification, and protect the liver and brain. So what is this mystery nutrient? Is it some obscure superfood or expensive supplement? No! It's glutathione, which is a naturally occurring substance produced by the body.
The Problem is That Most of Us Are Deficient
Without glutathione, cellular functioning would grind to a halt and the body would become burdened by toxicity. Unfortunately, deficiency is caused by common things that many of us are doing on a daily basis, like over-exercising, dieting, taking Tylenol, and being exposed to many of the toxins that infiltrate our world, like benzene, formaldehyde, and pesticides. Stress is also a culprit. Oh yeah, and alcohol consumption and lack of sleep, too. Yikes!
So What Can We Do?
Luckily, there is a solution. In The Mother of All Antioxidants, author Joey Lott lays out an easy to follow protocol that doesn't involve weird foods, expensive supplements, or anything that would seriously disrupt your life. Instead, you get to eat delicious food-like butter!-and reap all the benefits of this amazing nutrient. You'll learn about all the nutrients that help the body produce glutathione, including vitamin D, magnesium, and Omega-3s, and also pick up some tips on healthy lifestyle practices that will allow you to feel more well rested and to enjoy life more. What you don't know can harm you.
Available on Kindle and paperback.
About the Author: "The secret to happiness is to let go of everything - see through every assumption."
Beginning at a young age Joey Lott experienced intensifying anxiety. For several decades he lived with restrictive eating disorders, obsessions, compulsions, and an inescapable fear. By the time he was 30 years old he was physically sick, emotionally volatile, and mentally obsessed with keeping any and all unwanted thoughts and experiences at bay.
At this time Lott was living on a futon mattress in a tiny cabin in the woods. He was so sick that he could barely move. He was deeply depressed and hopeless. All this despite doing all the "right" things such as years of meditation, yoga, various "perfect" diets, clean air, and pure water.
Just when things were at their most dire, a crack appeared in the conceptual world that had formerly been mistaken for reality. By peering into this crack and underneath all the assumptions that had been unquestioned up to that moment, Lott began a great undoing. The revelation of this undoing is that reality is utterly simple, ever-present, seamless, and indivisible.
Lott's books provide a glimpse into the seamless, simple, and joyous nature of reality, offering a glimpse through the crack in conceptual worlds. Whether writing about the ultimate non-dual nature of reality, eating disorders, stress, disease, or any other subject, he offers the invitation to look at things differently, leaving behind the old, out-grown, painful limitations we have used to bind ourselves in suffering. And then, he welcomes you home to the effortless simplicity of yourself as you are.
Not sure where to begin? Pick up a copy of Lott's most popular book, You're Trying Too Hard, which strips away all the concepts that keep us searching for a greater, more spiritual, more peaceful life or self.