Behavior has never reached the level of a natural science. The field has been deeply divided by multiple theories on the one side advancing reason on the other religions promoting moral paradigms. The Formal Theory represents a scientific breakthrough bridging the humanities and the natural science by simply considering emotions as energetic entities and the unconscious as a homeostatic phenomenon transforming unpleasant emotional energy, conflicts, to pleasant social adjustments as resolutions. All stories have this function, conflict resolution.
The Formal Theory identified the object for studying behavior as the creative process, the plot of stories as a scientific energy and attitude transformation conflict resolution phenomenon reflecting the unconscious. It is viewed as a natural science and moral order unit order, the integrative paradigm. This purely scientific entity is graphically portrayable, qualifiable as alternative types of conflict resolution, the relational modalities, wellness diagnoses, and is measurable. The Conflict Analysis battery is a self-assessment that identifies the unconscious' two components, a syndrome of six emotions resolving conflicts and along one's relational modality. The self-assessment is didactic, diagnostic, and therapeutic.
Religions represent psychological theories that evolved, resolving the conflicts of the family institution by discovering the alternative relational modalities. The Formal Theory integrates them into the Moral Science. Behavior becoming the Moral Science is knowledge that should be made available as an emotional education for the general public. Everybody needs to understand behavior as a science, learn about oneself, one's way of resolving conflicts, and also understand moral values as the principles of conflict resolution. Everybody should understand the unconscious as human nature's innate conflict resolution mechanism, which organizes our emotions and is directed by a need to resolve conflicts.
The Moral Science Primer presents the concepts of the Formal Theory their validation and the integration of the social science disciplines. It also introduces the curriculum for a concise emotional education program identified as Creativity and Power Management. It is the reference volume for the delivery of the emotional education program, be that for students in the classroom, couples seeking help, mangers seeking improvement of communications and nations divided by ideological conflicts.
The structure of the unconscious is very important as the software of the mind that may be used for the training of the AI chatbot, the GPT in the meaningful analysis of personally relevant texts thus helping to recognize the structure of texts and how they reflect on the author's psyche, their relational modality. Such analysis makes AI personally meaningful. This is the topic for a next publiction transforming Artificial Intelleigence to Artificial Wisdom.