Do you find the moon fascinating and would love to harness its power in your spell work? Are you looking to learn more about Wicca practices?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then you are going to want to keep reading.
The moon has played a big part in human life since the beginning of time. It was how humans told time, new when to plant their crops, and it was the basis of the first calendar. It holds a lot of power and affects everything living on Earth. The movement of the tides is controlled by the moon. The weather is controlled by the moon. Animals are controlled by the moon. And even our subconscious mind is controlled by the moon.
Everyone is familiar with the Full and New Moon; there are other important parts within the transition between those two points. This book is here to talk about all of those points and more so that you can use the moon to expand and improve your spell work.
This book will talk about the lunar calendar. This is where we will get into the power of Moon magic as well as the various phases of the Moon. Then we will talk about setting up your altar for lunar magic. While a general altar setup is fine for any type of spell work, it is always nice to bring in more power from the Moon.
This power can be harnessed simply by working your spell work around the phases of the moon. Each phase does something different to nature, and it can do the same thing for your spell work.
You can't help but look at the moon and be amazed by is beauty. That's why it plays such a big part in Wicca as well as other Pagan religions.
This book is here to help teach you everything you need to know about the moon and how to start using it in your magical practice. You will learn:
- How to create a lunar altar
- The tools needed to perform moon magic
- The importance of special moons
- The lunar events you should on the lookout for
- How to garden by the moon
- Lunar rituals you can perform to celebrate the Esbats
- Spells such as:
- Banishing spell for New Moon
- Waning Crescent banishing spell
- Waning Gibbous banishing spell
- Full Moon money spell
- First quarter love spell for couples
- Waxing Gibbous Cleanse
- Waxing Crescent door opener spell
- Full Moon protection spell
... And much more.
The moon is a powerful being and can bring so much to your practice.
The Goddess lives within the moon, and a regular moon practice will bring you closer to her.
This book will help guide you through everything you need to know about the moon and her power. With this new information, you will then begin to master your Lunar spells.
You will learn all the necessary tools and knowledge needed to make this goal achievable. Get your copy today and become the more powerful you.
If you are serious about growing your practice, then you are going to want this book. Don't wait any longer. Grab your copy now!