This book solves the great mystery regarding the mark of the Beast. The Hammer and Sickle is the mark, and is a monogram of the number 616 in Hebrew letters of the alphabet (tav, resh, tet, and zayin) and in Greek letters of the alphabet (chi, iota, digamma/waw), in obverse and reverse respectively. .
The book is an interpretation of Daniel and Revelation, focusing in particular upon the mark of the Beast and its solution, comparable in some ways to a commentary on these two books. .
The number of the Beast is 616, not 666.
The mark (a hammer and sickle) represents the Workers' and Peasants' Government (of the Russian Soviet Republic).
The book interprets Islam as Babylon the Great, and modern Israel as the Second Beast.
The book covers the folowing areas:
The Beast: the Workers' and Peasants' Government of the Russian Soviet Republic
The Name of the Beast: the Workers' and Peasants' Government
: The Hammer and Sickle: the Number of the Name of the Beast
Part Four: Soviet Long-range Deception Strategy
Marxist Perversion of Christianity
Contemporary War on Christianity in West
Satanic and Occult Symbolism of the Red Star and Soviet emblem
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel
: Islam: Mystery Babylon the Great
The Second Beast: Israel and the false prophet
This book is essential reading for anyone who wishes to discover the identity of the
Beast, the Second Beast, and Babylon the Great.