... JOIN our hero, the inept narcoleptic mechanic, Danny, aka the Monkey Wrench Kid, on a bawdy, hilarious ROMP through the total COLLAPSE of everything, through a very rude awakening given to him by one of his own organs, through his loosening-off and tightening-up safety disaster at LOZZO INDUSTRIES, and through a dramatic upgrading of his BRAIN by aliens, DR KRAKK and the HEEBIEGEEBIES, helping him to solve the climate EMERGENCY, gender and sexuality issues, violence and war, and anything else he stumbles into...
... MEET his best friend, Edrigo, artist and love god, and his Powerhouse filled with artists, friends, lovers, misfits, musicians, poets, hermaphroditic sexbots and other dropouts, all responding very creatively to the tidal wave of change, when awake... and MEET REJENIFFUR, beautiful Earth Goddess, who sparks off a rejeniffuration of the Natural World, with a little help from Danny...
... SHRIEK with DISMAY when the dreadful disease KARMITIS strikes, while Danny dodges feral cannibals, zombaloids, medilunks, flying masonry, bits of exploding machinery, thunder, lightning, blizzards, floods and blistering heat, all at the same time...
... NEXT, he's rescued from wicked oligarchic office-space-ship-tower-desk-wreck by REX, a highly evolved Rescue Dog sent to help him by Rejeniffur, and they head back home to Foulburgh through Rejeniffurating FORESTS, meeting the ingenious SAGE and the ZX47 not-villagers on the way... where he meets oil stained black leather mechanical genius woman ANIKA MEKANIKA...
... then SIGH with PLEASURE at the happy ending in the wonderful Post-Industrial, New Age, lush SUSTAINABLE FUTURE... in spite of all the loose ends...