Our intuition, now more than ever before, has become invaluable in all areas of our lives. Everything is constantly changing in our lives may it be at home, in our career, our personal development, our creativity or our health. Everything is connected!
The good news is, no matter how slow or fast our pace, intuition changes with us and adapts to our pace, our changes, our goals and it adds uniqueness to our being. Intuition is the wireless shortcut. In my endless quest of intuition, the desire of proof and investigating intuition's credibility, I genuinely believe that everyone has intuition, and most people are more intuitive than they think they are, depending on how much time and effort we are willing to invest to get to know our intuition better, specifically the way our intuition communicates with us individually, because it does talk to us individually.The Universe only shows us feasible and achievable outcomes. Whilst we have to trust our intuition and take the action, I firmly believe that the Universe will set all of the missing parts into motion, step by step, stone by stone, sometimes via twists and turns, roundabouts and rollercoasters, to get us to our destination, our purpose, our goal.
This...is...magic!!! The answer is always: trust in the process!
In-tuitive ideas, creativity or random insights are given to us by the Universe without logic or reason. Ideas and creativity, random flashes of thoughts, visions or feelings, is the ignition, the spark from the Universe to give us unique material, tailored for us specifically, to incorporate and integrate our whole sense of being, our personality and character, to make us what and who we are - individual and unique!
The essence of our work, everything that we are taught and have learned, the strategies and structures that everyone is taught to equal amounts, is complemented by intuition and creativity to give us our opportunity to showcase our individuality. We are given something to differentiate ourselves from others, to be ourselves.
Our relationship we have with money, how we harbour old-fashioned and traditional beliefs, but most importantly we are still restricted and imprisoned by an outdated belief system that the amount of money we make equals or represents how successful we are, but we will to that part later.
Financial stress, anxiety and worry around money and finances has become a global disease. Mental health and money problems can be intricately linked and research shows that in the UK alone over 1.5 million people are experiencing problems around money and mental health.
Money does funny things to us, to everyone, and it is a subject which has been far too long brushed under the carpet. Have you ever heard, "It's rude to ask about money?" Well, if this isn't an indication of how far behind we are as a society then I don't know, but if a subject makes us uncomfortable, then now is the time to face it head on.
As our lives, technology, the internet and our digital world changes and becomes faster, intuition also adjusts and changes with us. Intuition is staying on top of the times!! Intuition and/or the Universe as I like to call it, has thousands of ways to communicate with us internally, externally, through outside events, omens, thoughts, visions, feelings, a sense of knowing, even taste, smell or aches and pains on our own body. Intuition can be a joke, something we blurt out, our anger or repulsion of something, liking or having a sense of feeling drawn to a person or a thing, a knowing without reason, a gut feeling so strong that makes us stubborn when it feels like the whole world is against us, or it can be sheer accurate visions, intuitive words and thoughts or that cringeworthy feeling we get when no one else does.