A loving father undergoes a beastly transformation in Jen Corrigan's "Ursa Major." A man losing his sight discovers vibrant new senses while grieving a lost child who's growing fuzzy around the edges in Chris Panatier's "Angels of Purgatory." Mike Tyson takes to the sky in a hot air balloon crafted from cured spiders silks in Amanda Chiado's "I Need That Ride." Watchful owls gathered in groups of three serve as otherworldly harbingers in Donna L. Greenwood's "The Night of the Last Dreams." A bull elk watches his snowbound herd starve and freeze in a grisly circle of life and death in Andrew Bourelle's "Season in the Boneyard." And that's just scratching the surface.
Featuring incendiary flash fiction and poetry from dozens of writers across the globe, this dark and offbeat fourth volume of The Molotov Cocktail focuses on the themes of Phantoms, Shadows, Legends, Nature, and Monsters.
Within these pages, you'll also find strange and surreal work by Christopher Stanley, Neil Clark, Travis Dahlke, Emma Miller, Stuart Airey, Alpheus Williams, James Turner, Justin Eells, S.E. Casey, Chandra Steele, Phillip E. Dixon, Jo Withers, Liz Schriftsteller, Christina Dalcher, Erin Fingerhut, Steve Campbell, Michael Carter, Fredric Koeppel, Andrew Romanelli, Erin Kirsh, Julia Webb, Jennifer Lynn Krohn, Karen Mandell, J V Birch, Joely Dutton, Andrea DeAngelis, Rachel Sudbeck, Erin Perry Willis, Amanda Pollet, Maura Yzmore, Mark Purnell, Jan Kaneen, Emily Livingstone, Alex Schweich, Wiebo Grobler, and Aeryn Rudel.