See below for English description.
As-tu déjà perdu ton jouet préféré? On a pris un objet qui t'appartenait? Est-ce que tes yeux se sont remplis de larmes?
La série Moi aussi, je suis... sert d'introduction aux sentiments et aide les jeunes à comprendre et à apprivoiser leurs émotions.
Ces quatre histoires usent d'un vocabulaire dont les jeunes se serviront lorsqu'ils voudront exprimer et mieux comprendre leurs émotions.
Have you ever lost a favourite toy? Were you sad when a pet you loved died? How did you feel? Did your eyes fill with tears?
The Everybody Feels... series gives children an introduction to their feelings, helping them to cope with new emotions and experiences.
These four sensitive stories will provide young readers with a vocabulary that will help them express and understand their feelings as they grow up and encounter different situations.
Original title: Everybody Feels Sad!
About the Author: Moira Butterfield est auteure de plusieurs livres prim's pour enfants. Elle a aussi ?crit des livres documentaires sur les sciences et l'histoire naturelle. Moira habite ? Bath, en Angleterre.
Holly Sterling a compl?t? une ma?trise en illustration au coll?ge d'art d'?dimbourg. Son oeuvre a re?u une mention d'honneur pour le prix Macmillan en 2013. Holly a remport? la comp?tition Seven Stories/Frances Lincoln Illustration en 2012. Elle habite tout pr's de Newcastle, dans le Tyne.
Moira Butterfield has written numerous award-winning children's books. She has also written highly commended historical, science and natural history non-fiction. Moira lives in Bath, England.
Holly Sterling recently completed an MFA in Illustration at Edinburgh College of Art. She was Highly Commended for the Macmillan Illustration Prize in 2013, and winner of the Seven Stories/Frances Lincoln Illustration Competition in 2012. She lives near Newcastle upon Tyne.