About the Book
1. D.Y. Gao, New way to understand and control chaos: canonical duality approach and triality theory; Department of Math, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, USA. 2. A.P. Seyranian, Multiparameter stability theory with mechanical applications; Moscow State Lomonosov University, Institute of Mechanics, Moscow, Russia. 3. D. Bernardini, G. Rega, Numerical characterization of the chaotic nonregular dynamics of pseudoelastic oscillators; Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale e Geotecnica, University of Rome, Italy. 4. F. Verhulst, Emergence and break-down of normal mode manifolds of nonlinear wave equations; University of Utrecht, The Netherlands. 5. I.V. Andrianov, J. Awrejcewicz, A. Ivankov, Asymptotic solution of dynamical problems for non-homogeneous structures; Department of General Mechanics, TU University of Aachen, Germany; Technical University of Lódz, Department of Automatics and Biomechanics, Poland. 6. C.-H. Lamarque, F. Schmidt, On the use of quasi-Lyapunov exponents to assess finite-time behaviors; ENTPE/DGCB/LGM, France. 7. L.I. Manevitch, V.V. Smirnov, Localized nonlinear excitations and interchain energy exchange in the case of weak coupling; N.N. Semenov Institute of Chemical Physics, RAS, Polymer Department, Russian Federation. 8. A. Urbas, S. Wojciech, Dynamic analysis of the gantry crane used to transport bop; Department of Mechanics and Computer Science, University of Bielsko-Biala, Poland. 9. J. Xu, Y.Y. Zhao, Effect of time delays on saturation control in a nonlinear vibration absorber; School of Aerospace Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. 10. K. Zimmermann, I. Zeidis, M. Pivovarov, Motion of a chain of three point masses on a roach plane under kinematical constraints; Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany. 11. Alonso F.J., Cuadrado J., Del Castillo J.M., Stable numerical differentiation in thecontext of kinematic and dynamic analysis of biomechanical systems; Departamento de Ingeniería Mecánica, Spain. 12. V.I Storozhev, A.A. Kuslivaya, Nonlinear anharmonic effects for normal waves in monocrystal anisotropic germanium layer with flexible not extensible coverings of sides; Department of Elasticity Theory and Computational Mathematics, Donetsk National University, Ukraine. 13. C. Rudolf, J. Wauer, Piezoelectric control of a planar machine tool with parallel kinematics; Institut für Technische Mechanik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH) Germany. 14. L. Pust, J. Kozanek, Mutual interaction of two aerodynamic bearings; University Institute of Thermomechanics, ASCR, Czech Republic. 15. T. Burczynski, W. Beluch, P. Orantek, Identification of dynamical systems in the fuzzy conditions; Department for Strength of Materials and Computational Mechanics, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. 16. V. Piccirillo, J.M. Balthazar, B.R. Pontes Jr., On nonlinear dynamics of a shape memory oscillator; UNESP - Sao Paulo State University, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Brazil. 17. A. Okninski, B. Radziszewski, Analytical and numerical investigations of impacting systems: a material point colliding with a limiter moving with piecewise constant velocity; Faculty of Management and Computer Modelling, Kielce University of Technology, Poland. 18. Yu.V. Mikhlin, G.V. Rudneva, T.V. Bunakova, Transient in 2-dof system which contains an essentially nonlinear absorber; Department of Applied Mathematics, National Technical University, Kharkov, Ukraine. 19. J.M. Mayo, On the use of the energetic coefficient of restitution in flexible multibody dynamics; Department Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Seville, Spain. 20. W. Blajer, J. Graffstein, M. Krawczyk, Modeling of aircraft prescribed trajectory flight as an inverse simulation problem; Institute of Applied Mechanics, Technical University