Dedication. List of Figures. List of Tables. Preface.
1. INTRODUCTION. 1.1 Characteristics of MANETs. 1.2 Importance of QoS and Energy Efficiency in MANETs. 1.3 Scope and Novelty of the Book. 1.4 High Level Overview of the Book.
2. MANET FUNDAMENTALS. 2.1 Performance Metrics. 2.2 The Layered Communication Network. 2.3 Cross-layer Design. 2.4 Mobility.
3. MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL. 3.1 Fixed Assignment MAC Protocols. 3.2 Random Access MAC Protocols.
4. ROUTING. 4.1 Unicast Routing. 4.2 Multicast Routing. 4.3 Broadcasting Routing. 4.4 Hierarchically Organized Networks.
5. ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND QOS. 5.1 Energy Efficiency. 5.2 Quality of Service.
6. SH-TRACE PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE. 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Protocol Architecture. 6.3 Simulations and Analysis. 6.4 Discussion. 6.5 Summary.
7. MH-TRACE PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE. 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Protocol Architecture. 7.3 Simulations and Analysis. 7.4 Discussion. 7.5 Summary.
8. EFFECTS OF CHANNEL ERRORS. 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Related Work. 8.3 Analytical Model. 8.4 Simulations and Analysis. 8.5 Summary.
9. REAL-TIME DATA BROADCASTING. 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Broadcast Architectures. 9.3 Simulation Environment. 9.4 Low Traffic Regime. 9.5 High Traffic Regime. 9.6 Summary.
10. NB-TRACE PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE. 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Protocol Architecture. 10.3 Simulations and Analysis.10.4 Summary.
11. MC-TRACE PROTOCOL ARCHITECTURE. 11.1 Introduction. 11.2 Protocol Architecture. 11.3 Simulations and Analysis. 11.4 Summary.
12. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS. 12.1 Conclusions. 12.2 Future Research Directions.
Appendices. A Multi-Stage Contention with Feedback. A.1 Generic DR-TDMA Frame Structure. A.2 Single-Stage S-ALOHA Contention. A.3 Multi-Stage Contention. A.4 Optimal Multi-Stage Contention. A.5 Discussion. A.6 Summary
B Effects of Clusterhead Separation on MH-TRACE. B.1 Modified Cluster Creation and Maintenance Algorithms. B.2 Simulation Results and Discussion. B.3 Summary
C Broadcast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. C.1 Background. C.2 Upper Bound on Broadcast Capacity. C.3 Summary
D Glossary of Terms
Index. About The Authors