Using a four-step self-awareness program, this book helps mothers shift their own negative patterns so they can move from low self-esteem to clarity, comfort and confidence with their body image - and mirror this to their daughters.
This book addresses the issues faced by mothers living with food and body image problems, as they deal with the challenge of bringing up their young daughters in an image-obsessed world. If we want to give our young girls, who will be tomorrow's women, a better chance, it is imperative that today's mothers are supported in dealing with their own issues with food and body image.
This book is a unique and real approach as it is based on one mother's change as she reflects on her own past and looks to the future for her daughters, and confronts the diet myths that had so much power over her own life, and her mother's before her. It is thoughtful, real and inspiring.
Amanda Stokes is a mother, an educator, and mentor in the field of inter-generational body image and well-being. As the founder of the Mirror Movement, she specialises in working with mothers who yearn for their pre-teen daughters to feel confident about their bodies, yet who are themselves trapped in a cycle of shame and dissatisfaction around food and body image.
Amanda supports mothers to become positive role models for their daughters during a girl's most developmentally important and impressionable stage of their life - her pre-teens. She has seen girls, even as young as five, talk about being fat, and witnessed the damage low self-esteem and poor body image can have on pre-teens.
Using a four-step self-awareness program, Amanda helps mothers shift their own negative patterns so they can move from low self-esteem to clarity, comfort and confidence with their body image - and mirror this to their daughters.