Are you wondering why buying new things doesn't bring happiness?What is Minimalism Living?
Keep reading ↓.
Minimalism is derived from "minimum" - we like to think of it as minimum stress which causes maximum pleasure. As a simple rule, to be a minimalist, you should possess less than 100 things at a time. Owning a car or a home or even an extra television can be considered overspending. You should focus on enjoying your job rather than building a career, be open to living in exotic, sometimes remote places all over the world, be able to pack up your bags and simply move wherever you want. But don't be put off if you don't have any of the above, as minimalism in the modern world isn't about restricting yourself, but more about accommodating yourself with only what matters to you and declutter in minutes desires that really DON'T matter. So, you can have material possessions, but the more important thing is to be able to reclaim your FREEDOM.
That's right!
This can be freedom from fear, freedom from stress, freedom from worries, freedom from worrying about impressing others, freedom from guilt, freedom from being overwhelmed, freedom from depression, and, of course, freedom from CONSUMERISM. Real FREEDOM.
One thing that people confuse themselves with is associating ownership of any material possessions, which are counterproductive to a minimalist lifestyle. To be a minimalist, you just need to stop giving unnecessary meaning to your possessions - remember that they are just "things." We don't need to forsake our health, our passions, our relationships, our personal growth, and our desires just for the sake of these possessions. So if you want to own a car or buy a house, start a career or have a family, do it, but only if they are truly important to your self-fulfillment and not because of the peer pressure. Minimalism is simply about making your decisions in a more conscious, deliberate manner.
Minimalists live very successful lives, and in some instances, much more fulfilling than others, focusing more on the experiences rather than the possessions. They are living purpose-driven lives.
What we will talk about in this book:
- What is consumerism?
- How is consumerism destroying us?
- Benefits of minimalism (clutter no more). Easy and fast declutter checklists, tips and more that help you organize and create comfort and a disciplined life:
- Declutter and organize every room (minimalism room by room).
- Organize clutter in your wardrobe.
- How to declutter your workplace (simple living desk gives you an organized mind).
- Declutter your devices (organize information).
- Decluttering tips for organizing your kitchen.
- Decluttering your life by decluttering your social circle.
- Financial minimalism.
- Love what you already have (declutter your mind).
- Minimalist travelling.