Are you upset because you lost a competition that you were enthusiastic about winning?
Do you want to eliminate needless suffering by cultivating insight into the nature of the material world and the workings of the mind?
You do not label your sadness as something 'negative, ' but carefully observe it and feel it without overthinking it. This can help you to quickly understand and then slowly let go of the emotion without overthinking or over-reacting to it. Had you felt it was something negative, you would have likely held on to it for long, which may have made it turn into some form of mild depression.
Mindfulness is not being aware just for the sake of it. You can be aware but with malice. For example, a sniper who is aiming at an innocent victim is quite aware of what he/she is doing, but this is not the type of awareness that has been presented in this book.
Mindfulness is the opposite of this automatic pilot experience. This is because it involves paying attention to your immediate experiences without being swayed into automatic patterns of behaving and thinking. Mindfulness is a shift from the "Doing Mode" into the "Being Mode."
A mindfulness practitioner works with states of mind in order to abide peacefully in the midst of whatever comes their way. Through mindfulness, you develop "street smarts" to manage your mind. It helps you to recognize when you also need to develop other qualities such as loving and kindness, alertness, effort, and concentration so as to alleviate suffering skillfully.
While mindfulness alone cannot guarantee your happiness, it does provide a solid foundation upon which you can build factors needed for happiness.
Keep in mind that mindfulness is usually discussed in terms of its function, not as a goal itself. It is aimed at uprooting habits of the mind that cause unhappiness, such as envy, anger, greed, or any other habit that can harm you and others around you.
Therefore, meditation can instill in you the awareness of being in the present and accepting everything that comes with it openly, happily, and nonjudgmentally. This is known as mindfulness and precisely what meditation cultivates in us. When you live in the moment, you stop rehashing the past and all your failures, setbacks and mistakes it holds; neither do you panic about the future and what problems it will bring with
itself. Not just that, but you do not spend hours daydreaming about a very happy future or even keep recalling the good old memories.
This is a beginner's guide to mindfulness meditation, and you will be able to learn the following:
- History of Meditation
- How Meditation Works
- Benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation
- Different Kinds of Meditation
- How to prepare for meditation
- Techniques to Practice Mindfulness Meditation
- How Meditation Helps Reduce Stress and Anxiety
- Declutter Your Mind
- Mindful Meditative Practice and Simple Exercise Examples
- Cultivating mindfulness into daily life
By the time you are done reading this book, you will have discovered a newfound zest for life and will be motivated to live better by meditating regularly.
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