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Find everyday calmness and clarity with simple Mindfulness Meditations exercises.
Notable research has proven that Mindfulness Meditation is an effective way to reduce and relieve Anxiety.
This book delivers practical strategies for applying them to the daily events that cause Anxiety, Anger, and Stress.
Follow me in a journey of Awareness to a better and more balanced life.
Loving yourself is the key to Happiness, Fulfillment, and Hope. Positive
Meditation practice can help you get there: make Meditation a consistent practice in your life.
Anxiety can be beaten, but it will take effort, and reading this book will be the first step in your accomplishment of this important work.
This book covers the following topics:
- Basic and Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation
- How to Manage Anxiety, Stress, and Panic Attacks with Meditation
- How to Start and Continue a Good Meditation Practice
- Meditation to Improve your Relationship
- Practical Exercises for Every Posture to Get Your Body Ready for Meditation
- And Much More...
Even those with no prior experience will find that the practical exercises outlined in this book provide effective and lasting relief from the physical and emotional effects of Anxiety.
But practicing mindfulness doesn't mean spending hours meditating... Even with a hectic schedule, you can find relief from fear and worry. This book will provide you the tools you need to free yourself of Anxiety and live a healthy, mindful life.