Are you interested in exploring proven and tested strategies to help you relax while working? Do you want to learn how to act on your body for an empowering, positive birth? If yes, this is the right book for you!This book MINDFUL BIRTHING: Discover Hypnosis And Train Your Mind To Have A Positive Birth Experience And A Fearless Labor. Use Mindfulness Techniques And Guided Meditation For A Natural And Pain-Free Childbirth will provide you insights on how you can make your birthing experience pleasant and gentle.
Allow this guide to help you develop the needed confidence in your body and its capabilities and share useful advice to support you, so you will feel ready no matter what happens.
After reading this book, your body and mind will internalize the concept of hypnobirthing. As the mind doesn't know the difference between reality and imagination, it will respond in the way it has rehearsed repeatedly. The insights on the album put in place specific triggers so you will stay calm, feeling in control, and relaxed through the birthing process:
Here's a quick peek of what you'll find inside this book:
- What is hypno-birthing?
- Childbirth pain and its particular function
- Real physical effects of fear
- Labor or labor? You make the difference
- Pregnancy: nine months to create, nine months for mindfulness
- Why is there anxiety in pregnancy?
...And so much more!
So, what are you waiting for? Bring the power back into your fingers so you can learn to have faith in your body. You can now look forward to welcoming your baby into the world with sureness.
Click here to buy this book now!