The intent of this book, is to show you how to
live a life, of victory over every obstacle, adversity and
mental roadblocks to success, wellbeing and prosperity,
by exploring the principles of renewing the mind,
and how to use them. As well as, how to break unproductive
habits, through the process of Biblical Meditation.
Mind Renewing, is not something that takes
place over night. It is a process that takes time, effort,
perseverance and determination. The purpose for Biblical
mind renewal, is to cause ones thoughts, vernacular
and behavior, to come into agreement with God's
Word. It means; to come to a place, wherein you begin
to think as God thinks, see as God sees, and speak as
God speaks. Biblical mind renewal, is the process that
has to take place, in a believer's life, in order to change
or renew, their way of thinking, from the way they
thought, before he or she became a child of God.
As you increase in the knowledge of God's
word, and spend time meditating on what you have
learned, you began the first phase of empowering
yourself, to live a victorious Christian life. You will
also come to a place of understanding, how to apply
that knowledge to your life for positive results. It is
said, "knowledge is power." But I say, "knowledge is potential power."
Because what we know, empowers
us, only when we put to practice the information we
have ascertained. This is the only way we can accomplish,
and enjoy, all that God has intended for us, individually
and as a Body of believers.
We, as Christians, according to Romans 12:2, should
not think or speak the same as the world system, which
is governed by Satan. Romans 12:2 says,
" not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may
prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect
will of God."
In other words, God has a system as well, which
is in contrast to the world's system. This is what Jesus
was referring to, when he said, "...but seek yea first the
Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added
unto you." As we follow the ways of God, and the
leading of the Holy Spirit, we will ultimately, experience
His best for our lives.
There are many books written on how to obtain
happiness and peace of mind, however, only God
knows how such a state of being is accomplished. It is
only when we begin to live under His government and
authority, will we enjoy true happiness, peace of mind
and success.
There is a verse of scripture, I like to reflect on
from time to time.