Are you often at the mercy of your emotional part, without the slightest control over it? Have you ever thought how much the mind can influence the mood despite the problems around us?
Something in you is moving, you will surely be wondering what connection there is between mind and emotions.
"Mind Over Mood" can answer all your doubts.
When we come into this world, no one teaches us about the full potential of the mind and how we can use it in life. We let external factors manipulate us daily and that often leads us to negative emotions, and we do not know how to react. Maybe we are also shy and introverted and that multiplies everything for worse.
Well, this would even seem to be something normal, a reality that every human being is destined to have to struggle with every day, moving between one suffering and another ... but what society does not tell us is about the full potential of our minds that can change life for EVERY person.
In "Mind Over Mood," the author discuss how all the issues that relate to the mind, emotions, and human behavior are a product of the balance between the two variables: your heart and mind. Often they are pitted against each other. This book explains how not to become misaligned between the mind and heart, and how to give more "POWER" to the mind that controls our decisions and therefore our life.
In this book Jason Dyer will teach you:
- 21 Practical Habits that Will Constantly Advance your Mindset
- 4 Behaviors to Avoid in Order Not to End up in De-potentiating Mode
- How to Overcome the Vulnerability Inherent in Every Human Being From Birth
- The Main Psychological Triggers to Know to Increase Self-Esteem
- 7 Ways to Lead any Interpersonal Relationship as a Protagonist
- How to Recognize and Avoid Negative and Mentally Unstable People
- 500 Words to be Repeated Every Day Until All Old Paradigms Have Been Eliminated
- Why Primordial Emotions Dull the Mind and How to Turn the Situation Upside Down
And much more!
Starting to take control of yourself is the first step to tackle any problem that life puts before us.
Even if you are an introverted person with the kind of personality where you tend to procrastinate, lack motivation, or are easily intimidated, you can train your mind and change your mindset. This will allow you to control your mood with practical techniques and advice in less than 30 days.
You will thank yourself later for choosing to read this book.
If you want to discover the real power of the mind and the positive impact it can have on us, then click the "Buy Now" button.