A Mighty Kid is an ordinary kid following Jesus the Almighty God.
Mighty Milez Believes in Jesus is the first book from the Mighty Kidz series.
Mighty Milez is a young boy who believes in the written Word of God. He
passionately shares the gospel message as he proclaims who he believes in.
Mighty Milez takes us on a journey through a child's eyes of creation, the fall
of man, and the forgiveness of sin through Jesus as he shares his belief in the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the three in one God. His childish, courageous, and
contagious faith leaps off the pages and into our hearts to explore God's Word according to the Holy Bible.
Mighty Kidz books give children space to grow spiritually as they seek and
explore Jesus through the Holy Scriptures. We pray this will cultivate a growing
relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe each book is a seedling waiting to be planted and watered in the
spirit of your child's heart and mind. As your child grows, we pray for
growth to sprout spiritually in Jesus Christ.
Let the Mighty Kidz take you through a journey of faith, hope, and love as
they passionately follow Jesus the Almighty God.
The next generation would know them, even the children yet to be born, and
they in turn would tell their children, so that they should set their hope in God. (Ps. 78:6)
They will proclaim His righteousness, declaring to a people yet unborn: He
has done it. (Ps. 22:31)
Let this be written for a future generation, that a people not yet created may
praise the Lord. (Ps. 102:18)