"The Middle East and World War III - Why No Peace? by Dr. Michael A CALVO, Foreword by Colonel Richard KEMP CBE. For Colonel Richard KEMP - retired British Army officer who commanded British Forces in Afghanistan and headed the International Terrorism Intelligence Team in the UK Prime Minister's office - who wrote the Foreword, this book is "the first book that rigorously considers the critical question of why the Middle East seems unable to achieve peace. It should be read by all political leaders, academics, journalists, students and anyone who wants to understand why there is no peace and what may happen."
This book is also the first multimedia book to document the terrorist and anti-Israeli Palestinian system and pattern of behavior. By multimedia, we mean that beyond reading, the readers can see and hear videos, which are on internet, on their smart phone after loading a free QR Code application. For a QR code explanation for the book, see here: https: // This book answers the question why there is no peace in the Middle East, in spite of the active involvement of the U.S. and other major powers, and why Pope Francis said that the world has already entered World War III. Terrorists and their families receive salaries and the Europeans and the Americans continue to finance the Palestinian Jihad against the Jews in their land. Why? If there is an international criminal responsibility, there is also a lack of prosecution.
The author also analyses the rise of ISIS and the alliance of anti-Semites, anti-Jewish churches and radical leftists, Radical Green and Muslims worldwide leading BDS actions against Israel. Why are these actions financed primarily by the European Union and its member states, through European, Palestinian and Christian and Muslim NGOs? Is there a joint European/Palestinian/Arab/ Muslim strategy? The author analyses the legal propaganda war against Israel covering many fields and how to answer. Are the territories of Judea Samaria (West Bank) occupied, disputed or liberated? To whom do they legally belong? The author brings us a wider perspective of the Middle East conflict. Palestinian leaders, the Muslim Brotherhood, most of the Muslim States, Saudi Arabia's Wahhabis', Iranian Mollahs and ISIS, share the same Jihadi ideology encapsulated in one sentence: "Allah is our goal, the prophet is our ideal, the Koran is our constitution, jihad is our way, and death for the sake of Allah is our aspiration".
This ideology justifies the killing of the Jews and "infidels", Christians, Yazidis, Hinduists, Buddhists, non-believers, from the United States to China, from Europe to Africa, from the Atlantic to the Philippines. The World is facing terror attacks that Israel endured since Oslo in 1993 (suicide bombing attacks, shootings, stabbings, car ramming) under the same cry battle of "Allahu Akbar" (G.d is Great). In reality, the conflict is not a territorial conflict. It is a theological/metaphysical conflict of Muslims against the Jews and the non-Muslim world, with no solution in view. Is this in accordance with the Koran? What safe solutions can be proposed? After reading the book "THE MIDDLE EAST AND WORLD WAR III - Why No Peace?" you will be able to answer many such questions by yourself.
For additional description of the book, see Amb. Alan Baker at: http: // And Colonel Richard KEMP at: https: //