Healthcare offices are busy places and healthcare professionals are busy people. Between constantly ringing phones and patients coming in and out, who has time to learn about Microsoft Office? Our helpful, step-by-step guide, Microsoft Office 2003 for Healthcare, is designed to be easy-to-read and single-task oriented for quick reference. Explore how you can use Microsoft Office 2003 to create patient charts, billing procedures and more. Also included is a troubleshooting guide to help you quickly solve problem, so you can maximize the time you spend delivering healthcare and minimize the time you have to spend on administrative duties.
About the Author: Microsoft Office 2003 for Healthcare About the Authors
Dr. Ahmad Hashem is a global healthcare productivity manager for Microsoft's Healthcare and Life Sciences Industry Solutions Group. He is responsible for defining and guiding implementation of Microsoft's worldwide strategy for empowering information workers across the Healthcare and Life Sciences industries. Before joining Microsoft in 2000, Ahmad was CIO at a healthcare e-learning company in Santa Monica, California, director and acting COO at Medical Archival Systems in Pittsburgh, and a National Library of Medicine fellow in medical informatics at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. In addition to his doctorate in medicine from the University of Damascus, Ahmad holds a Bachelor of Science degree in computer science from the University of Massachusetts and a doctorate in medical informatics, Cognitive Program, from the University of Pittsburgh. Ahmad can be reached at
Steve Johnson has written more than 20 books on a variety of computer software, including Microsoft Office XP, Microsoft Windows XP, Macromedia Director MX and Macromedia Fireworks, and Web publishing. In 1991, after working for Apple Computer and Microsoft, Steve founded Perspection, Inc., which writes and produces software training. When he is not staying up late writing, he enjoys playing golf, gardening, and spending time with his wife, Holly, and three children, JP, Brett, and Hannah. When time permits, he likes to travel to such places as New Hampshire in October, and Hawaii. Steve and his family live in Pleasanton, California, but can also be found visiting family all over the western United States.
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